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Airhead Academy sounds fun, and harkens to one of my inspirations, Artificial Academy.

Seduction of Canterlot is nice as well, very classy, though I'm worried about putting anything MLP-related in the title, no longer out of legal concern,  but more because it would scare away people that might want to just fuck busty sluts as they'd think it's about horses, as well as disappointing people who actually do want to fuck horses who would be given the wrong idea.

It was a couple general suggestions, we could probably come up with a better one in time, but Airhead Academy would be pretty straightforward. My only thought is if it's OK to use that when you can play through the whole thing without changing anyone.

SoC was just a play on Shadows over Camelot that I thought would be fun to throw out there. I don't expect it to be taken seriously.