Heya and thanks for this little game :)
I rate the game based on the following criteria, and here's a little breakdown of what I thought about the game:
It's simple and it looks cool, I liked it :)
The sound was really weird to me, I couldn't enjoy the bgm. I simply tried to ignore it while playing after a while.
The game is pretty easy to understand (and mainly with the description). Maybe just having a few explanation on how to find the fake Santa, and just an in-game note about the left-click button for those who don't read the description would've made the tutorial part perfect.
- The fact they try to run away from your cursor (or at least they seem to) is pretty fun and a nice addition to the game.
- It feels weird that they seem to fly sometimes (probably a sort of jump?)
- Having no clue how to find the secret Santa takes the fun away for me, I couldn't enjoy having no idea what was going on. It would've been nice to use this mechanic with a little clue (speed, weird movements, trying to push other santas, visual clue, etc.) to help the player and make him try to understand what's going on. With a tutorial to explain it
As said before, I couldn't really enjoy the game because I couldn't understand what was going on. But still found some funny parts about the way they moved.
I didn't seem to find any bugs, so good job on that :)
Completely in the theme imo, so no problem on that part! :)