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A member registered Aug 02, 2017 · View creator page →

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Oh okay, I probably missed that! Thanks for letting me know :)

I hate you. A lot. I really hate you for that game, but thank you anyway!

Here's a complete review of the different categories I use to rate :)


Visually, the game looks not too bad, but on my resolution the game was blurry (1440p). I had to make the window smaller to have less issues.

Also, I feel like the game needs more contrast to be accessible to everyone. Even to me, with no issues seeing colors and with great glasses, had trouble seeing everything. I don't really know if it would affect colorblind people or anyone, but I think increasing contrast would help greatly.

And finally, the visuals feel a bit disconnected from one another. It doesn't seem to have the same design, the same feeling and it feels a bit off, mainly between pikes and ground.


Unfortunately none. Try to take 30 mins to an hour to find a royalty-free BGM if you can, and even some SFX. The game would feel a lot more polished and would be way more enjoyable. I had to put my own music to make sure I could enjoy it at a maximum.


Great instructions, but it would have been even better in game. It's nice to have the goal written, too. Maybe just a bit too much text for a simple concept. I, as a normal player, would skip and play without reading, then get frustrated. During my tests on this jam, I try to force myself to be sure I don't miss anything.


  • There are challenging ideas that I like, the level design in general is great, with interesting concepts.
  • Although there are also levels stupidly hard (level 3 if I'm right), with jumps having to be perfect in order not to get killed. I think the difficulty is there too early and that kind of difficulty is not really interesting, and I almost quit the game at this point. That would've meant missing great content!
  • The key switching regularly is great,  I often failed because of that even though I could've avoided it, so great job on this mechanic!


I laughed while playing, so that's a 5/5 for the fun part, imo.


I didn't encounter any bugs, so good job! Only the quit button which doesn't seem to work on the HTML5 version.


Definitely in the theme, great!

Hey, great game! :) here's a more in-depth review using the categories I rate :)

Of course, I used the Original Jam version, I have no idea what has been fixed, so there may be repetitions with what you already know/have already corrected.


Visually, the game is pleasing, it feels consistent and the animations are really good! They make the game look a way more polished!


I really love the SFX, although I missed a bit of sound at the beginning.

Unfortunately, no BGM :( The game feels a bit sad without them


Great way to explain keys, but maybe a bit too discreet. I missed them at first and was about to put "1/5" for tutorial until I saw them.

It would have been nice to have something explain what our goal is, though! I don't know if the game is finite or infinite, but I guessed it was infinite.


  • The move + dig part is really interesting, it reduces the number of keys needed to play and that's awesome! Gamepad support would have made the game really accessible with a "one key game", but it's alright and I didn't rate that part, as I didn't do it in any other games either.
  • The enemies are good, although I feel like they're a bit too easy to beat when you're coming from the top
  • I think an invincibility when you're hurt for one second would be great, because I often died the moment I was hurt once, for they harassed me and I couldn't do anything.
  • The different digging elements in the chest are a wonderful addition. I felt surprised with the different time needed, different number of broken blocks, and it felt nice!
  • The traps are cool with the different time needed for them to activate.


The best part of the game imo. It's simple but really fun... because I AM A DWARF AND I'M DIGGING A HOLE... DIGGY DIGGY HOLE... DIGGY DIGGY HOLE !

Would've made a great funny BGM if you had the rights :)


I've seen only a minor visual bug, when you kill a monster on a block, there is blood on the block, and if you break that block with nothing under it, the blood falls and goes on the block under. It feels a bit weird, you'd think when you dig, you take away the dirt and the blood.


With the chests adding surprises and the different timings on traps and weapons, totally in the theme.

Big up for the diggy diggy hole theme, as it's the only reference of the Yogscast I know.

Hey! The game is cool, I liked it :)

Visual & Audio

I have nothing to say about the visuals, it looks great and consistent, it feels nice!

The BGM is great but it misses some SFX when clicking buttons, buying things, etc.


The tutorial is great, and would've been even better if we could play along it, to learn little by little. But it's still a really good one!


  • The game feels complete, there are many things to do, and I felt like I was playing a game similar to the sims sometimes.
  • I felt a bit lost with everything to day from day one, and didn't know how to separate a room
  • Poor Tom, died from starvation from day 1... hard start for the company!
  • I wish we could press escape to cancel a furniture buying, because we have to press any other button that opens a menu, ...


It's not really the type of game I usually enjoy, but I definitely had fun playing it! With the little events occurring, it felt authentic.


I didn't encounter any bug during my playtime, that's great!


I couldn't personally see the theme, but you said where it is and I'm just too lazy to try and reach it (and too bad at this game, too)

Thanks for playing and I'm glad you liked the sounds! :)

I'm sorry that you couldn't get the second minigame, sometimes the random selection just doesn't want to change :(

In the other one, you can't move and have to shoot enemies coming at you, +1 point if you hit and -1 if you miss

And great job for your score! :D

Hey ! :)

Visual & Audio

Visually, the game looks really cool!

The BGM is cool, but I feel like it misses some SFX with the weapons.


Great tutorial, just a bit confusing on what you have to do and the firing aspect (I didn't know if I had to press the joystick or move it).


  • The idea is pretty nice, to have random events and random weapons, it changes the pace of the game
  • Unfortunately, there are way too many snowmen and they move a bit too fast imo, I couldn't shoot them while running away, but because they were too many, I rapidly started to only run as long as I could
  • Random events are cool, but with the number of snowmen trying to kill me I couldn't really enjoy them


Apart from being chased to death by crazy snowmen invading my personal space, the game was funny. It brings good vibes with the visuals and bgm, which are rapidly forgotten for snowmen :(


  • The BGM doesn't loop
  • The rocker launcher launches rockets to one place specifically, no matter where you are and where you aim
  • I didn't take it into account for rating, but please note that your game (along with other UE games) launches Steam VR (and probably the Occulus App for those having an Occulus Quest) on start. It didn't seem to affect the gameplay for me, but was a bit bothering.


The game is in the theme, yeah.

Hey :)


Visually, the game is pleasing. The bullets feel a bit weird, but the bg and the platforms look really good :)


No BGM nor SFX, the game feels really sad without them!


Well, no real tutorial to explain how to move, how to shoot, etc.


  • I liked that sometimes, when you shoot, there are different actions
  • What I disliked, however, is that I have no idea when I can or cannot shoot (a tutorial would've helped)
  • The player doesn't move with the platforms, therefore it's a bit hard to play on little platforms 
  • Movements feel nice, great job :)


The game is quite fun ! :) I enjoyed it 


  • The fire's hitbox is extremely large
  • When you're on a platform, it becomes a bit blurry


That's in the theme, good job :)

Thanks for the feedback!

That's an idea worth noting, I'll try to see what I can do :)

The idea sounds great! :)  

I think it would make a great post jam update :D

You're welcome :)

I think spell crafting is an interesting idea, and I'd love to see how you'd implement it. Would it require some elements found in levels? Drawings? ...


The game looks really good! The art is clean, it's pleasing to the eye and everything goes together :)

The button to validate the "Settings" looks like a "reset" button. Not really intuitive :(


The BGM is great, but I feel like the SFX is not completely related to the game. It would have been nice to have different SFX for each weapon, and an SFX for the hurt/die moments.


Short, in game, with visuals. That's a proper tutorial for me :)


  • Having a few seconds to breath when taking damage is great, plus the visual clue is really well done!
  • The surprise weapon works well too, but I feel like the projectiles are way too slow.
  • Santa moves a bit too fast imo, but it's probably linked to the previous point.
  • The little elves around Santa make the game a bit weird once they're invisible, I thought I was hurt by nothing until I realized it was one of them being invisible and touching me.


The game has great potential, but I found it a bit too frustrating. Maybe because I'm really bad at aiming.


I don't know if it's linked, but the game crashed when I (possibly) died.
You can click the "quit game" button while in the settings menu.


No problem on that point, that's completely in theme :)

The game is nice, but there are bugs on the "push button to scare" that blocks santa and prevents me to go further. Unless I abuse the jump mechanic to jump above the door.

Nice visuals, SFX missing or feeling disconnected to the actual gameplay (like the scare SFX doesn't feel right), but great tutorials and interesting ideas :)

Nevermind, I figured out the problem. I'm using Itch.io launcher, and "installed" the HTML5 version, which doesn't seem to work correctly. Opened it in a proper browser without the use of the launcher and it works correctly :)

Thanks for your reply! I retried and got stuck and wave 1, then went to main menu and retried and could get to wave 5 without any issue!

The game is way funnier when you can complete it! :)

For the BGM though, it doesn't seem to play for me :(

The idea is great, but unfortunately the game suffers from many flaws. Here's what I think could be improved! :)


Try to use visuals that match each other. Because there are power ups that are really flat and enemies have many details in their pixel art. It feels a bit off. Nothing too bad, but that's a way to polish the game.

Having larger sprites for enemies would be nice when we have to attack them, because I often clicked just a few pixels outside their hitbox. Or even without larger sprites, just a larger box.


That's a great start, but it feels a bit empty. A drinking sound for the potion, a little pick-up option when you take the lightning to show it's a powerup you store, etc. 

Also, having different sounds for the different enemies could be nice, but that'd be the last thing to do and probably hard or not possible within the jam's time. These ideas apply for potential post-jam updates as well.


The game tries with the help button, but it's clearly not enough. I thought lightning would give me mana but cost me 10HP, and I was hesitating to take it at first. I've learnt part after part by myself, and would've loved to see the game guide me a little bit.

Maybe even have a recommended player to start?


  • The game is unbalanced because of the randomness. From one run to another, I may have too much or not enough hp. Most of the time, it just isn't possible to win against the game, as no potion spawns. 
  • It would be also nice that hard monsters only appear after a few moments. For example, only have slime at the beginning, with power-ups.
  • There also should be restrictions once the game is more balanced. I currently can take power-ups every time I see them, and if I have potion 3 times in a row, I can recover 9hp. Maybe a limit somewhere? Or instead of a limit, a bonus if the player takes the enemy possibility.
  • The ending feels a bit rough. What's this surprise, what's in it?
  • Have a "prepare... fight!" warning for the boss fight? I didn't realize it was an enemy at first, I thought that its health and strength was a bonus I earned for a new run. It's midway between tutorials and gameplay.


The game has a great fun potential, but the unbalanced aspect kept me off :(


I didn't encounter any bugs, so great job on that!


You made the effort to incorporate the theme, even if it's not the best way (it feels a bit like my game, unnecessary but here only to be in theme).

Hello :)

Visual & Sound

Visually, the game looks good, but it misses some feedback from the different aspects of the game.

When you kill an enemy, it just feels like it just disappears. A little new jump would've helped with the visual feedback, and a sound for a pleasing total experience. That's just polishing, but it changes a whole game.

Jumping is great, but without sound, it feels like there's something missing. Again, that's just polishing but it helps knowing what happens.

Even better, another feedback with sound when you fall from high heights, to make you understand you failed something.


There were little parts of text to help the player understand, but the window was too little to easily read everything. And it misses the "keys" tutorial in game. Sure they were in the description, but I, as a player, never read them to see if the game is accessible enough.


  • As said below, it misses a zoomed out vision, as the game is too frustrating without it.
  • On a more positive note, the little vertical parts are nice, it's about mastering timings and that's cool :)
  • I don't know if there are other enemies, but the ones existing feel really empty, as if they were just copies of our character without any sign of intelligence. But for a 48h game jam, it's alright.


The game is too frustrating to earn points in this category imo. But the beginning was nice, the movements are greatly done.


I didn't encounter any bugs, but I didn't finish the game neither. So great job on this bug-free beginning.


I guess it's in the theme, although I couldn't see much of it yet :)

Heya! That's a cool game :) I liked it. If you want a more in-depth review:

Visual & Audio

The game looks good and consistent, and the sounds are well-chosen. Not too aggressive SFX and sweet BGM. I liked it :)


The tutorial screen is good, it shows everything you need to know. Maybe a bit too much text to read at once, but for a 48h jam, it's enough :) A future improvement would be to gradually increase the number of enemies, turrets to have the player learn little by little :)


  • I liked that we have 3 different enemies and 3 different turrets. Their difference is simple but it adds variety to the game.
  • The money management between seasons is cool, too. You have to find a compromise between current and future safety.
  • I feel like the difficulty difference between fall and the 2nd winter is a bit huge though. Or maybe did I manage my money poorly.


I guess I had fun, even though that's not the type of games I actually enjoy usually. So that's a good point imo!


There is a little visual glitch when a Santa dies, sometimes its body stays on the ground, sometimes not. I'm not sure whether it's intended or not.


I liked the little story when I died, definitely in the theme :)

Oh alright, I see what's the problem with the shooting game!
Maybe making the sprite more transparent would help knowing you can shoot through it, thanks!

Yeah, the wheels are the main cause of death. The falling brooms (they are supposed to be tridents, but brooms are fine too) are mainly here to block you and make you fall in the wheels. Although you're right, it needs a little balancing between both elements :)

Thanks a lot for that feedback, I'll see what I can do! :D

Hey, thanks for your comment :)

Care to elaborate the problems with polishing? I'd love to improve the game post-jam! :)

Hey, the game is really fun! :)

Audio & Visual

Nothing to say on that, it is really well done and I sang along the BGM :)

Cute bullets, too!


Nicely done, a short intro screen with drawings, it's fun to read and gives everything we need to know (almost).


  • Great way to let the player breathe between waves to have them go to the tree. Maybe just disallow the gift picking when the wave isn't completely dead? I didn't realize I was doing it wrong until my map was full of snowmen haha
  • Great bonuses/maluses
  • Maybe a bit slow to kill the snowmen, increasing their speed and our strength may increase the pace
  • The knockback on hit is great to escape!


I definitely laughed while playing, well done!


When a snowman catches you, you're knocked back. If there's another snowman behind you, nothing happens and you're stuck forever until you die :(


It follows the theme, great! :)

Alright, I loved the game. But here's a more in-depth review of what I did and didn't like :)


The game looks really good, the style is consistent and the animations are awesome. For a 2-days work, it's really, really, really good. I was astonished by the amount of work put into the player's animation, but also the quality of the buildings everywhere.


I surprised myself saying "nom" with the character, so that's a well-done SFX.

Great job on the BGM too, it has a positive mood and I loved it :)


The worst part of the game, and it's not even too bad. I had trouble finding the little text on first sight, but you deserve compliments on explaining what the mount is. It feels accessible enough for people not having the necessary knowledge to understand everything (it's me!)


Alright, that's the big part.

  • First, the movements feel nice, I haven't had much trouble to find my way between the different buildings. Some bugs, but we'll get to it later.
  • The disposition of the Jaffa's is great! It gives the player the chance to explore the whole map, sometimes with a little challenge, without too much trouble. I think it's greatly balanced between difficulty and fun. Just one of them was misplaced and I didn't pick it up when climbing the house's ladder.
  • Talking about THE. CLIMBING. PART. I was surprised at first when I read it in the commands, but didn't expect much of it. BOY WAS I WRONG. It's not perfect but it definitely checks out! It doesn't feel too weird, and I find the ladder climbing so much satisfying!
  • The orange climbing, however, felt a bit slow imo. I felt like my little viking had little muscles and couldn't climb (it's me IRL, but I'm no viking). And with the mount, having to move left and right, I felt like I needed too much time to do it. It feels slow but isn't too bad.
  • As said below, the last two jumps when climbing the mount are kinda hard to get, but no big deal, once you understand how it works, it becomes much more easy.
  • Nice surprise!

So yeah, the gameplay has little problems here and there, but it definitely doesn't make it a bad gameplay. I loved it really much and was a bit frustrated I couldn't explore more of the map (it could go in the visual part too, the map looks so nice!). There is a huge work done here, and it felt really good playing it!


From the first second to the last second, I enjoyed playing it. From the first second to the last second, I felt like a true viking wanting to eat more, and I am really surprised I could like it that much.


The second worst part of the game! It doesn't mean that it's too bad, just that the rest is too good :)

  • When you're in the lake and look straight up, you can see under the water, with a little glitch. Nothing serious, just worth noticing.
  • There are multiple places where you can get stuck more or less violently. First, the boat with the jaffa on it. If you fall in the water between the dock and the boat, it's really hard to get out. Secondly, running from this dock, the first house you see has a bench in a corner. If you jump over this bench towards the walls, you're hard stuck (you never fall down and can't get out). Only way to get out is to relaunch the game (I HAD 40+ JAFFAS >:[ but it's ok, I finished anyway)


Yep, the theme is respected, great job!

I'm glad your team liked my review! :)

I'm looking forward to see that post-jam update, I'm curious to see that tutorial ;)

Hey! :)

Visual & Audio

In these two aspects, the game performs quite well! :)


Unfortunately nothing inside the game to show how to play :(


  • The hitboxes are not really accurate, the game feels ridiculously hard because of that
  • The detection range of the enemies is really short, I always killed them one by one
  • It's hard to play with power-ups, enemies spawning on you, there should be a little safe zone
  • It could be nice to have the different enemies attack differently
  • I appreciated the fact that some enemies become bigger when they notice you :)


The game is fun, I didn't have to think too much while playing, that's cool!


Apart from the "mob spawning on me" problem, I've seen none :)


Yeah, that's in the theme :)

Hey ! :) Here's a full review of what I've felt while playing the game


It looks good! All assets seem to work well together :) It's nice to have different visuals for each spell 


The audio feels nice, there are different SFX for each spell and that's a great addition!


It's great to have the different keys written somewhere. Not the best tutorial but at least it explains how to play. You just forgot the space key.

Unfortunately you removed it in the post jam update (I didn't take it in account for rating, I only rated the jam version).


  • Some enemies have too much health imo, and they attack extremely fast, it feels a bit unfair, mainly when there are multiple ennemies surrounding you.
  • Fixed in the post jam version, and I think it's important that you added health bars. That's much less frustrating :D
  • The game feels more like "steal and run" than an actual mob fighting game, because of the difference of power between the enemies and the player (even in the update). I finished the game by rushing the keys and the doors, without even taking the time to fight because I'd die
  • The "random spell change" is a bit problematic imo, I'd like to be able to change the spells myself. Even if I agree that's an elegant way to have the theme in your game.


I like the different spells, it makes the game interesting and funnier.


Fixed in the post jam version, but the ground enemy did nothing in the game.

Sometimes the walls can be used as ground, their collision might not be working correctly. I didn't check it in the post jam update though.


You're in the theme :)

Heya ! Here's my complete review (that I used to rate the game)


The game doesn't look necessarily bad, but as said before, the red is too red, it hurts my eyes :(

And the different assets don't really match in style, imo. Also, try to always keep in mind that there are some people out there who are colorblind, and it's often a good idea to try and have maximum contrast to reduce the impact on them :)


The game misses a BGM, but the SFX used in the game fits it perfectly :)


Unfortunately none :(


  • The bonuses/maluses you can get change the gameplay a bit, and that's great!
  • The game is challenging during the first minutes, I've died multiple times before understanding how to survive, that's great!
  • Maybe a bit too slow when there are only 1-2 survivors. It would be nice to have a visible counter and an arrow pointing the the remaining ones after x seconds.


The game is moderately fun because of the pace. I like the beginning but not the end of the waves.


I don't know if that's actually a bug, but I couldn't finish the second wave even if no one was alive.


In the theme, it's fine by me :)

What a funny game!


The game looks cool, even though the snow looks a little weird when you dig it, but that's not a big issue. The winning screen is very low resolution though :(


I love all the audio of the game. You even got me dancing on the winning screen!


Unfortunately not much in game, but you thought of showing "press E to pickup", so big up for that!

Maybe say in the readme.txt that you need to use mouse wheel to switch between shovel and detector. Took me time to realize that.


  • The idea of detecting items using sound is pretty nice, I always like game that include this little but easy trick. And I'm always really bad.
  • Trying to find the gifts when digging is fun too :)


The game is fun! I really liked searching for gifts and trying to guess what was in each box. Spoiler: I guessed nothing. Had pretty funny items too :)


I didn't encounter any bugs, so that's a great point for me :)


Completely in the theme :) Good job!

This is not tennis >:[ and here's why!


The game has a simple artstyle, but it works incredibly well!


Great sounds, but maybe it misses something when there is a change in gameplay :)


Unfortunately nothing to tell the player how to move. Would've helped me to see it was a two-players game.


I like the non-necessarily mirrored gameplay between the two players, and the fact that it's not only a graphical change but a gameplay change. The only bad point I can see is that it's the same order for both players.


I had fun playing against myself, it must be even better with a friend!


There is a sound bug when the ball is against the ceiling or the floor, or just if you move with the ball, it will spam the boing sound. 

If I'm right, the ball teleports above you if you crush it down while it's going vertically. But that's not really a bug, just weird.


Yep, it's in the theme :)

Now that's my favorite game so far!


The art is cute, well drawn and feels so nice in a game! I didn't think that this style could work in this medium, but it does!


Nice BGM, really pleasing, and the SFX is so cute and not missing! I love it! Bonus point for having voice acting when you finish a task. That's a little detail but it changes everything imo


That's the bad point of the game, but not too bad. There are the controls cutely drawn, the only bad point is that you have to go and look at them, and at first I didn't realize that the upper arrow meant "jump".


  • It's simple, you just move outside the water and dance for people, and that's nice.
  • It feels nice to move in the water. I felt like gliding, I never felt heavy, and it was surprisingly pleasing!


One pic is worth a million words, right? There you go, then:


The only bug I encountered is that when you have the same key to press twice, sometimes you can validate the two movements with one animation only. Minor visual bug that almost doesn't affect gameplay, and the game feels extremely well polished. That's awesome :)


At first, I was "it doesn't really fits the theme". But there is Ben and their surprised face when you move for them does the trick. Subtle but definitely in the theme :)

Great work here! I loved the game :D

Wow, that's a great game!


The game looks really cool! I loved the 3D art style!


I liked the BGM really much! I miss a little SFX on pickup though :(


Nice little text for the tutorial, and we have clear objective! Maybe just having a little pop-up showing a picture of what the ingredients are would help (mainly for non-native speakers). And I definitively didn't expect flour to look like that. I thought of little sacks of flour.


  • The "explore to see where you have to go then pickup" gameplay is really interesting! I made a little map with a preevaluated path before picking up items, and that was pleasing :)
  • Avoiding guards is fun, even though they make me angry sometimes ;p
  • The player movement feels like I'm always on ice though, and I feel like we turn too slowly. That's the main negative point of the game.
  • I love the ending of the story. Feels a bit too innocent, it made me smile!


Yeah, the game is fun, definitely fun!


  • If you take flowers and give them immediately, the game still consider you have items in your hand
  • If you have flowers and eggs and give the eggs, the game considers you don't have items anymore


It's in the theme, yeah!

(2 edits)

Nice work! :)


The game is so pleasing to look at, great job on the artwork, and the cutscenes! That's incredible work here :)


The soundtrack is really cool! I just miss a little SFX when I'm hit by a snowball, or when I win :)


Unfortunately no tutorials :( I struggled a lot to start my first game :c


  • The "adapt game to music" is not that uncommon, but I personally like that aspect a lot! Having you prototyping it during a game jam is incredible work :)
  • I liked that we have to survive only a certain amount of time!
  • Simple controls but challenging game!
  • Maybe a little too much snowballs? I often find myself unable to avoid them :(


The game is really fun! I liked that ambiance, the art, the music, the gameplay. I had a great time here :)


The game gave me a hard start, with a few bugs that made it completely unplayable :(

  • During the cutscene, while in my ship, I thought the game started and tried to press multiple keys to understand how to move, what to do, how to shoot (until I realized I couldn't), etc. It made the game do hard resets (the cutscene appeared once again from the beginning).
  • The sound restarted too sometimes when I pressed keys during the cutscene
  • When I finally decided not to touch anything anymore, the game could play correctly, BUT the other instances of the game were still playing too. I had way too many snowballs from that moment and couldn't play anymore (I had like 5-6 games shooting at me at the same time), + the blizzard from the first instance)
  • I still managed to win, by staying on the bottom right (there are no snowballs there)
  • I launched the game once again to enjoy the game correctly (without 5 instances of the game). The only bug I perceived on this run is a glitch with the ending cutscene, the path of the enemy looks like teleports. And there are some parts without any snowballs, too.


GIVE ME MY SURPRISES BACK è.é In the theme, that's a yes for me :)

Hey! Here's what I saw in the game :)


Visually, there's no problem, I like the style the buildings, it looks great! There are no textures but I think that it's fine, it looks cool :)


I would've loved a chill BGM, and the shooting SFX was buggy for me :( (see below)


Unfortunately none :(


  • I like the "search gifts in maze" aspect!
  • The procedurally generated map is a great thing too :)
  • I couldn't experience the "stalked by shooters" aspect (see below), but I'm afraid that their number will be rapidly too much


That was a fun experience, I liked searching for gifts :)


Unfortunately, it's the part that affected me the most :(

  • The shooters spawned only in one of the 3 games I've played
  • When they didn't spawn, their shooting sound was extremely buggy: never completely played, with artifacts in the sound, etc.
  • The shrooms (I guess they were shrooms?) blocked a lots of passages, I couldn't reach some gifts because of that
  • There were too much space between each "island" and I couldn't jump between them
  • Fortunately, I had infinite jumping to help me
  • Nothing happens when you fall, you're in an invisible box
  • If you jump while running towards a shroom, you can move it (sometimes they go really far, and push eachother)


The game is in the theme :)

Oh my god did you just- sing along with me?

A whole new world of possibilities is opening to me now ! >:D

Thanks a lot for playing, and I'm glad you enjoyed it!

(I may really consider making a weighted random to increase the chances of having a specific minigame when it doesn't pop)

Hey that's a funny game!


The game looks great, it works pretty well altogether :)


Great BGM, but it misses some SFX :(


No tutorial :( even with simple keys, we have to think about people not playing many video games :x 


  • I'm not a huge fan of playing with food, but it was definitely fun to shoot it. I'll try that next time I cook!
  • I hate snowmen.
  • Great idea to have a reverse uno card :) may use it as a "no u" material now
  • Ducks.


Definitely tons of fun :)


I encountered a little weird thing. When I was on the container moved by the crane, it went through the duck's head and I fell >:(

And when the duck started to move, I don't know if it's intended, but I wasn't moving at the same speed so I was stuck on the back, against a container. And after a few jumps, I went through the container (definitely not intended).

I WANTED MY DUCK RIDE, now I'm angry against you. I would've rated the game 1/5 just because of that :v Seriously though, I didn't rate it 1/5, that wouldn't be fair c:


Definitely in the theme.

Great job on this game! :)

Here is a detailed review on how I rate games :)


I think your game is visually really pleasant, everything fits well together :)


Nice BGM, it's relaxing and sounds great! There aren't much SFX, but it does its job :)


Unfortunately none :( only a little floating text to say "Use AD to move left and right and space to jump" would've helped! :)


  • The running speed is a bit slow but that's correct
  • The idea of chasing someone made me run without taking my time. Probably unnecessary but I like when the game makes me do things that aren't explicitly needed. 
  • Somehow the size of the obstacles is a bit too huge, I died repeatedly on the same obstacles a lot of times :(


The game is fun, I always wanted to be a good guy chasing bad guys >:D


I didn't encounter any bugs, great job!


Definitely in the theme :)

Aw... random is against us! I usually have the pink 6 times in a row :(
Although it's just pure random :x

And then if you score more than 200 in the green one... you definitely beat me to my own game ;-; my high score is around 180 if I'm correct

Haha now that's a funny answer!

Too bad for him I still don't trust his 100% winrate è.é

And I understand for not having the time to create a tutorial, it's not a big issue for the rating I gave don't worry ;p (in fact given the rating I put in each category, this one has clearly no incidence on the result)

I'm the best riddle bro of all riddle bros' hehe! But I feel like it's even more rewarding than seeing a twist, you feel like you're too intelligent (oh wait I'm not :( anyway)

Well thanks for the laugh with your answer too! :)

Nice background stolen from https://www.deviantart.com/soeurise/art/Clubroom-835258987, right?

Btw, where is the "surprise" theme in the game? >:(

Wow good job for the minigame!
Btw, the order is random, so was it the green or the pink minigame? :)

And I'm glad you enjoyed the soundtrack haha, unfortunately there is no OST ;p
(but you can definitely find the resources in the res folder, and use them as your ringtone :D)

That's a nice funny game there!


The game looks cool, good job! :)


I think it misses some SFX, but the BGM definitely checks out!


  • I love hating you for that level design
  • I almost rage quitted the game


The game was actually fun, and really rewarding when you pass to the next level! I feel like I'm intelligent now, although I'm probably not, but that's a great feeling!

Just a bit too short ;-;


I didn't encounter any bug in the game, good job!


Definitely in the theme without being a Christmas game, that's great!