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Thanks for playing! The hauler only has hitboxes on the engines, so you don't collide with it while trying to connect. I can see how losing asteroids that way was frustrating. Would you like it better if the scaffolding would only collide with the asteroids but let you go through it like now?

Do you have any ideas how could I make the start less frustrating? Maybe make the hauler cheaper so the player has to move less and smaller asteroids with the capsule? My goal with the current setup was to show how hard it is to gather resources with the capsule then introduce the hauler that would make it easier, but it made some players give up too early. 


Personally I didn't find the start too bad. I think it might be a good idea to make smaller, lighter asteroid which are a bit easier to move but don't give you much. That way you can choose to make multiple slightly easier trips or to struggle with the big bulky ones that would reward you more.
My main issue was the collision boxes only being on the ship and the engines of the hauler module. If the scaffolding also collided with the asteroids, acting as basically a giant bucket on the front, then I think it would be much more fun. Just putting those collision boxes on a different layer would allow it to collide with the asteroid, but not the ship. You could still lose it if you were going too fast and tried to just stop without rotating, but it wouldn't fall out the back between the engines that way.


Thanks for the feedback!