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Alright, I loved the game. But here's a more in-depth review of what I did and didn't like :)


The game looks really good, the style is consistent and the animations are awesome. For a 2-days work, it's really, really, really good. I was astonished by the amount of work put into the player's animation, but also the quality of the buildings everywhere.


I surprised myself saying "nom" with the character, so that's a well-done SFX.

Great job on the BGM too, it has a positive mood and I loved it :)


The worst part of the game, and it's not even too bad. I had trouble finding the little text on first sight, but you deserve compliments on explaining what the mount is. It feels accessible enough for people not having the necessary knowledge to understand everything (it's me!)


Alright, that's the big part.

  • First, the movements feel nice, I haven't had much trouble to find my way between the different buildings. Some bugs, but we'll get to it later.
  • The disposition of the Jaffa's is great! It gives the player the chance to explore the whole map, sometimes with a little challenge, without too much trouble. I think it's greatly balanced between difficulty and fun. Just one of them was misplaced and I didn't pick it up when climbing the house's ladder.
  • Talking about THE. CLIMBING. PART. I was surprised at first when I read it in the commands, but didn't expect much of it. BOY WAS I WRONG. It's not perfect but it definitely checks out! It doesn't feel too weird, and I find the ladder climbing so much satisfying!
  • The orange climbing, however, felt a bit slow imo. I felt like my little viking had little muscles and couldn't climb (it's me IRL, but I'm no viking). And with the mount, having to move left and right, I felt like I needed too much time to do it. It feels slow but isn't too bad.
  • As said below, the last two jumps when climbing the mount are kinda hard to get, but no big deal, once you understand how it works, it becomes much more easy.
  • Nice surprise!

So yeah, the gameplay has little problems here and there, but it definitely doesn't make it a bad gameplay. I loved it really much and was a bit frustrated I couldn't explore more of the map (it could go in the visual part too, the map looks so nice!). There is a huge work done here, and it felt really good playing it!


From the first second to the last second, I enjoyed playing it. From the first second to the last second, I felt like a true viking wanting to eat more, and I am really surprised I could like it that much.


The second worst part of the game! It doesn't mean that it's too bad, just that the rest is too good :)

  • When you're in the lake and look straight up, you can see under the water, with a little glitch. Nothing serious, just worth noticing.
  • There are multiple places where you can get stuck more or less violently. First, the boat with the jaffa on it. If you fall in the water between the dock and the boat, it's really hard to get out. Secondly, running from this dock, the first house you see has a bench in a corner. If you jump over this bench towards the walls, you're hard stuck (you never fall down and can't get out). Only way to get out is to relaunch the game (I HAD 40+ JAFFAS >:[ but it's ok, I finished anyway)


Yep, the theme is respected, great job!