Hey, the game is really fun! :)
Audio & Visual
Nothing to say on that, it is really well done and I sang along the BGM :)
Cute bullets, too!
Nicely done, a short intro screen with drawings, it's fun to read and gives everything we need to know (almost).
- Great way to let the player breathe between waves to have them go to the tree. Maybe just disallow the gift picking when the wave isn't completely dead? I didn't realize I was doing it wrong until my map was full of snowmen haha
- Great bonuses/maluses
- Maybe a bit slow to kill the snowmen, increasing their speed and our strength may increase the pace
- The knockback on hit is great to escape!
I definitely laughed while playing, well done!
When a snowman catches you, you're knocked back. If there's another snowman behind you, nothing happens and you're stuck forever until you die :(
It follows the theme, great! :)