WARNING: My English can get to be bad because I’m Uruguayan, sorry.
This game is actually really fun! I went expecting something less entertaining but this was a really enjoyable experience!
I like it because it reminds me a little bit of Pac-Man, which is nice because it was the first game I ever played. Even though this made me feel good and nostalgic, it is not the only reason of why I like this.
The graphics are cool, it is very well made, it is fun, etc. Something I also liked was the fact that more enemies spawn and you gotta shoot them to kill them, which Pac-Man didn’t. Now, I’m not gonna talk more about Pac-Man anymore. I also like how you need to get a key to enter the portal, and that there aren’t the same enemies every time, but there spawn different ones every time.
I can write more but if I would, I would have written a file or something but this is just a comment about what the thing I most liked are, there’s not that much I can say I dislike, only that you can’t select any other game mode besides the default one, but that’s nothing compared to what the game has to offer! Great job doing this, this was a totally pleasant experience :D