This is a really neat one! I beat it on my second try, but it certainly wasn't easy - I was on the verge on losing, it felt like. I thought the difficulty was in a good spot, especially given the eldritch kind of inspirations behind it. It very much should feel next to hopeless, and it felt like you did that while making it always feel just possible.
The ending did confuse me a tiny bit, since the win text is pretty similar to the lose text at the very beginning. It was neat to see a game with so much more writing than most jam games, even if it meant that the game was very text-heavy.
If there were more time for features, I'd love to see threats evolving over time instead of being random each day, and maybe even being able to take on multiple threats per day. It could be really interesting to have another set of decisions - do I take out some easy threats, or do I make sure the harder threat is taken care of now before it gets even harder and becomes critical? But obviously that would create a whole slew of balancing difficulties beyond the scope of a jam, haha.
Good work!