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yall lock beautiful/ handsome  while I built like a bean ;-;


im not beautiful, but u are gurl!

thanks but you pretty


aww thanks but im not really


lol you are really pretty 


gurl u built like a ugly ass bitch 

that's why yo mama ded

ded as hell

what shoes she got on in her casket 

😑 stop talking bout people's moms it's not cool nor is it funny dont be an ass

Fun Fact: You're uglier than a piece of shit and you're just mad she's prettier than you bitch :>

Facts ˙ ͜ʟ˙

Also why the fuck are you sitting here just shit talking people like you own the fucking place and the whole world revolves around you? What are you, 5?

yessss go off anxiety lol

My mom is not dead stupid ass bich 

And I wonder what ugly ass hoe your daddy fucked to make your retarded ass


no u are cool

