Sorry for taking so long to respond. I am using a Quest 2 with link.
Oh how interesting, the oculus platform is where it should be most stable. I'm not exactly sure what may be going on on your end and or why, but I suggest trying out the following:
- Hold the oculus button and have the headset reset it's orientation
- Reset your guardian system(you can do this in the configuration settings in the headset)
Another thing to point out is that the game is made intended for a sitting experience, so if you are standing up the head location might be off as I don't currently have a setting to adjust between sitting and standing modes. Hopefully these help solve your issue.
I actually didn't know this was a sitting experience, did you mention this somewhere and I missed it? I don't see it in the description. Tried it sitting down and my height issue now makes sense.
I am also curious, are you a programmer? do you have any previous experience (C++ is a tough language)? I'm not trying to pry at anything, but there is a rookie mistake in the latest build that is a SERIOUS problem. In case you didn't notice the shortcuts you made to start the server-host application and client application are both shortcuts for YOUR system, they do not work on any other system unless the file paths are changed to the users system. For example yours says "C:\Users\david\Documents\Unreal Projects\Project_TitanfallVR\Build\WindowsNoEditor\Project_TitanfallVR.exe" -game for client, this does not work for me nor will it anyone else. You need to instruct people to setup this shortcut themselves it isn't (as far as I know) possible to setup shortcuts automatically for everyone as its system specific.
Finally, if you know the ports your server is hosted on theoretically you can just port-forward to allow people to play online through the internet.
(btw there is nothing wrong with having little or no previous experience on game development but you sure as hell picked up a large project.)
P.S. Not trying to be rude or mean, I wanted to point these things out and couldn't find a way to PM you.
Hey Scriptyure, thanks for pointing all of that out. Yes this is a sitting experience and glad that sitting down fixed your issue I do plan to support a standing mode for those inclined but just haven't made that a priority. And like you said I didn't explicitly state that anywhere, that's my bad. I have added a note to the description of the project to state that, hopefully no one else experiences what you experienced.
I am a designer by trade but I have ample amounts of C++ experience during my college days and am comfortable working with C++ code, that being said I am currently developing entirely in blueprints to get the concept up and running and plan to migrate things to C++ in the near future.
In regards to the shortcut issue, thank you so much for pointing that out. That was a huge mistake on my part! This was my first time using this kind of method to just get something into peoples' hands that I didn't realize that there was this kind of pitfall. I plan to push a build that has a proper OSS to connect people together but I was hoping to push this current build out for enthusiasts to play with while I continue to work on the build with a proper OSS. This is also why I didn't want to spend the time to figure out port forwarding stuff, because when I did some quick research I couldn't seem to find an easy and quick solution.
I am experienced, but still novice in many aspects and though I am fully aware this is a big and challenging project to pick up, I see it as a great opportunity to do something I love, make something I've always wanted to, as well as learn a lot along the way, and boy have I hahah. It's going to be a long journey but I am truly enjoying it and it's been a hugely rewarding one thus far so I have no regrets.
PS: It seems like you are very familiar with game development and or fairly experienced. If you feel interested in helping with feedback or contributing to the project and its development, feel free to join my discord. We have a group of fun and enthusiastic ppl who love just helping the project grow, I'm sure you would love it there. Also thank you so much for your feedback, it really means a lot to me that you took the time to try my project out and then even giving me feedback that things aren't working when you could have easily just ignored it. Thank you so much, I really really appreciate your help and straightforwardness!
No problem. I think its best to inform someone of issues, although I notice that I come off as a dick sometimes. I really don't mean it as anything rude or condescending. I have some experience but not much in the professional space. Personally I've done many projects that never met my standards so they never saw the light of day or never got far. However I am a C++ developer mainly though only self-taught. I am by no means a professional.
I am in your discord actually! I completely forgot about it, my list is filled with indie game studios and developers. I love projects like these so I like to watch a lot of them!
I really hope I didn't offend you in any way. I sincerely only meant to bring up the issues I noticed!
Gotcha, no worries no offense taken. I truly appreciate any kind of feedback and thank you so much for taking the time to contact me. Feedback is better than no feedback.
I see you now that mention you're already in my discord! Next time you can always reach out to me there if it's easier for you, ofc feel free to leave me feedback here if you like to as well.