i Am gay
I have a crush on a f e m a l e
I don't like guys, ive seen dick and it doesn't do anything for me hon
stop being a bitch to everyone oh wait nevermind! U have no pfp and ur a bitch?! Ha your probably just jealous that most of us on here have friends we can talk to and chat with WHILE UR just a bitchy little shit complaining bout the comments! YOU DONT KNOW WHATS BEEN ON HERE THERE WAS A FUCKING DICK ON HERE AND THERE WERE SO MANY COPY CATS! DO YOU NOT CARE?! IF UR JUST GONNA FUCKING COMPLAIN BOUT THE DAMN COMMENTS THEN U CAN FUCK OFF AND NOT PLAY THE GAME OR JUST DONT READ THE MOTHER FUCKING COMMENTS!
Aaaaaand ur a transphobe. Noice. Listen, jugding by the way you speak and the fact that you're here in the first place, you are either also a 13 year old or you're a creepy 3yo that likes to bother kids for no reason (also no, i did not bother to read the rest of the conversation because i was scared of loosing brain cells if i read your comments for too long. But i will not leave you alone because it's funny to trigger assholes on the internet)