Thank you so much for loving the game so far ! <3
I'm really touched that you like the writing, but let's not forget about the amazing proofreaders and editors who helped me fixing mistakes and awkward sentences when they encountered any (^ O^)/
As for an epilogue... unfortunately no, there is no such thing planned in the future. Though ! I'm planning of doing a remake and add more content (such as the characters childhood, a glimpse of their adulthood after the credits, and, potentially, an extra route with one of the side character) and Fujiwara 2 as well, with new characters. Fingers crossed I'll be able to release it someday. You'll have to be patient though, since it will take some time to be done x)
Right now I'm working as the lead director of a new game, called Colors of Fate and which is more mature content than Fujiwara Bittersweet and taking place in a fantasy world.
Thank you again for your kind comment and support, and I hope you will love the future projects as well when they'll be released ~