Thank you so much!
I feel like the Vampire routes delve a lot more into some of the struggles between humans/Cryptics because Vampires frequently find themselves at odds with humans due to the whole drinking blood thing but are otherwise quite a bit more human-ish than some other groups.
It's also really interesting to write about it from a high schooler's perspective because I feel like younger people always have these amazing flashes of wisdom and insight laced through the natural immaturity and lack of life experience. It's a really fun dynamic to play around with. I think the fact that this game was just *fun* to write and these characters were fun to work with helped us balance out some of the heavier topics.
On the one hand you have topics like "Hey, this community is not having its needs met while another community lives in ignorance about the situation..." but that's kind of juxtaposed against "Should I let my boyfriend have a nibble because he's hungry??"
And Nora offers an interesting lens to look through because her world view is so funny most of the time.
If or when you try Gilded Shadows, we hope you enjoy it too even though it's just a demo right now! It's a fun project to work on as well though the characters are older, we get to play with a lot of fun science fiction tropes