Remarkable: Excellent use of sound - the ambient "summer nighttime" audio makes this feel leisurely and calm.
Needs Improvement: The language at the beginning is a little unclear (as some have mentioned). Even something as simple as communicating to the player that they are solving puzzles would help address some of the initial confusion I felt. For instance, I kept losing the first puzzle after just going straight and hitting the third tile and thinking to myself "But I'm doing what the instructions say!"
Successful: Puzzle design that progressively gets more difficult in ways that force the player to adjust their thinking (for the third puzzle, without giving away any spoilers, in particular).
General: Definite The Witness vibes from this one. From an architecture standpoint, it might be helpful to have a "Puzzle" or "PuzzleManager" class that stores information about any given Puzzle. Some of your code comments suggest that you think there might be a better way to store and manage everything, and something like this might help. One thing I noticed is that to check correctness, you're comparing GameObjects to Bools, and then need to go through `for` loops to check every individual element of the puzzle. What if, instead, a PuzzleManager script had two arrays of bools, the correct and the current, and each Tile could talk to the PuzzleManager to flip the proper bool. Then, checking the solution becomes as simple as checking two arrays for equality. Just a thought.