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The game was fun to mess around with with friends. You three have made yourself a good fun game! I found we were underutilizing the spells because the numbers were kind of hard to hit when using the WASD keys to move. If you ever make another game like this I would go for a league of legends control scheme. That would make everything a lot more fun and easy to control. I cant say how easy that would be to do though, the pathing could be an issue. Anyways the models and animations and everything were amazing, very nice game to look at. Dragging obstacles in front of your friends and jumping teleporting away from the obstacles they throw at you is a lot of fun. Great job to all of you

Thanks for feedback! We was discussing about controls and we couldn`t come to an agreement. Q,E,R,F would be better?

the main thing is that its hard to be constantly moving with WASD and be hitting other buttons. In league you move by right clicking and your character will walk to the spot you clicked meanwhile you can cast spells and do other things

I would like to add some dynamic in this game. It is arcade not MOBA. Maybe we should create something like "If you press (e.g.) key "A" once you move in the left. If you press "A" second time you stop moving. In this case u can use spells, mouse, jump etc. while moving because your 3 fingers are free (middle finger will be prepared to click W and S (without this mechanic) and your thumb will be above space)