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Sex dialogues for very rebellious slaves should be more resisting. Especially if it is their first time for that action! It seems that the 'forced' button was not highlighted in jail when I selected 'proceed anyway'.

90hp bandit leader with mindblowing breasts should sell for more than 11g.

Is v.43 compatible with v.10 saves?

It took me a few hours to find out where the pregnancy descriptor is. Maybe the sex or description menu for pregnant characters could have a tiny pregnancy icon in the upper-right that describes how far into the pregnancy they are when you mouseover it. Like a green letter 'P' in the corner that turns yellow or red as they near birth. Or maybe the Job Report can have a line indicating that productivity was lowered by advanced stages of pregnancy.

HP and breast size actully has nothing to do with slave's price. 

Maybe we could add a small note to the new slave list regarding pregnancies.