...and here is a shot I made just today ERAS:
Also today, GOF:
I don't know what causes your problem.
We managed to find out the reason for this bug.
This shows up when you turn on anti-aliasing on DX9.
This happens not only for me, for many.
Distribution Direct X is from your package with the engine.
Screenshots below:
DX9 64bit
No anti-aliasing
Render.SeaEffect = true;
DX9 64bit
Anti-aliasing - Level4
Render.SeaEffect = true;
I was not able to reproduce this same error on several machines I tried (Intel GPU, AMD R4) , but eventually found that a Win10 with a GTX1060 had this same problem. After some internet research, I eventually discovered what the problem might be, tried a fix and it worked for the GTX1060. I also found another person with an AMD Quattro that also had the problem and the fix worked for them too. So the next Maelstrom update will contain this fix for this DX9 AA underwater problem.
For texture conversions:
TextureWrite.zip contains:
I wrote TextureWrite.exe and it will convert most of the .tx formats to .tga, if they are uncompressed; it will not convert any of the compressed formats to .tga. If you place the ConvertTXtoTGA.cmd file in a root directory, it will recursively search and convert all the files in that directory and also all the files in subdirectories under that root folder. Be sure to edit the .cmd file to point to the proper filepath location you put the TextureWrite.exe file; it currently assumes C:\TextureWrite.exe.
Also, MK would like to obtain several ships from Secret Beach, including a schooner and a snauw. Is there any chance we could obtain them?Good time!
Thank you so much for taking on the research and fixing the water locations!
Special thanks for the texture converter!
As for the ships ... I would be glad to give everything that I have, but I myself took from other mods / addons. And I have no access to the Secret Shores of Matvey. I don't work with him. I myself asked him to give me ships that he does not use, but he said that he would later put them in free access. But there was no talk about specific models. And I don't know which models he will post.
Once again, I apologize for not being able to help you with the models you need. But I will try to at least ask Matvey about them.