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Thanks for the input! I actually started out with the player faster but reduced the speed. For some reason it feels like it's too fast to me, but in general I think moving fast feels better, so I'll take your advice. I'm planning on revising it with improvements, so hopefully you'll enjoy it more in the future. It obviously needs a lot more content too, in order to feel like a real game. That first room was basically a prototype I made before the room you start in. It's like a "playground" I made to see if the physics felt good & to check what height/distance the player can jump to, etc. I'm glad I left in a door for it!


As for the speed - keep in mind it's subjective. So, you may have tuned it to feel "spot on" for what you envision as your target gameplay experience. So... if the gameplay further justifies those decisions, maybe they are good to leave alone.

In other words, take the feedback with a grain of salt :) I hope you continue to work on it!