Well, I was pretty blown away by this game, and it's my favorite of the competition by far! After I started, I had to play it all the way through, and pulled off a victory! It certainly wasn't easy. I do have some feedback/criticisms though, so I'll mention them here.
First, what other people mentioned - it's a bit annoying to restart and die immediately because you're holding a direction. I like the fast restart & it makes it less of a problem, so I'm not sure I would get rid of that. To some extent you should be able to fix the problem with level design. Start the character off in an area with short ledges on the side so they can't run off immediately.
I also had trouble with one electric floor room. The one where the different platforms are very out of sync was a bit too hard to adjust to. Most games let the player find a rhythm with mechanics like that, but this room couldn't really work that way.
It is very difficult and I would like to see a smoother difficulty curve, at least if the game becomes longer. There wasn't really a problem that made it hard, just the kind of difficulty I would expect in a hard precision platformer. By the way, is this inspired at all by Dispersio? It reminded me of it a lot.
There were quite a few things I really liked. First of all the controller support and fully featured start menu, that was great. Second was the amount of content. I couldn't believe how long the game was compared to others in the contest! I'm shocked you came up with that many rooms within a month. The graphics were very good and the main song was very catchy. I really like how the enemies follow a color scheme, it made them stand out easily. I also like how the enemy attacks were telegraphed. The first few times I died when grappling an electric enemy, I didn't understand why I died, but it became obvious because of the electric animation and the electric border on the player's corpse, so that was well done. I also really like that when you enter a room from below, you can't fall back down to the previous room. It was also nice to see the extra platforms to help you up if you reenter a room you've beaten.
One issue for me, it would be really nice to disable screen shake since I get motion sickness very easily. It wasn't as bad in this game as it is in others, but there are games I had to skip playing because of screen shake. It's also one of the easiest things to make optional. You probably have a function that basically says "shake the screen", so just wrap the whole function with "if screen shake is enabled" and put an option in the start menu to disable it.
Anyways, it was a really fun game and I didn't expect to see anything so professional and well designed in the competition. Great work!