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(3 edits) (+1)

Reading way too much into it. All the LIs are bisexual regardless of their gender or the Crown's gender. The LIs switch randomly between genders for bisexual Crowns just because I figured that would keep things interesting. 

Also, an important point I want to make: the LIs do not have "canon" genders. I always intended them to have both male and female versions. The reason those versions are in the artwork is because those are the ones I just happened to commission first. Playing with Xelef is just as canon as playing with Xelara, etc. 

(1 edit)

Aha that's just how I roll (especially nowadays) ^^.  I thought it could just be for replayability's sake too. And that's fair enough,  I didn't mean to imply that they're not canon or anything, of course. Now super interested to see the inverse artwork. Thanks for the response. Oh and keep up the good work!