They aren't broken, it's just that our AI artist isn't very good at drawing yet. She's learning how to be better. It looks like version 0.3's images will still be a bit blurry. Hopefully this will improve with time. How did you like the story so far?
there were cases where the A.I. drawings were able to distingish some features but then there were other cases where the A.I. program in charge spat back a smudge that if I wasn't paying attention I would have no clue who was talking or things like that. A simple solution if you are using a learning A.I. would be have it analize pictures of real people from the internet and continued practice drawing figures it may also help if you take the time every once in a while to check the progress and manually correct the A.I. like you would with a kid who is learning a new skill, a few minutes of it drawing then picking the best one would help it recognize what is expected of the program and in cases where there is no best one, hand correction may be needed. just a few programming tips when it comes to learning A.I.s