I’ve just realized that I even finished the game without using not only the “brake” but also the “dashing”. I basically made it through the end shooting with the left mouse button.
wait, what?
hahahaha, you were playing on a self-imposed "VERY HARD mode". How did you even dodge the final boss' attacks without dashing? Playing with all these limitations and you still pushed on! You're incredible!
What I meant about the rotation, is that if we were able to control the rotation of the character (with left and right arrow keys for example) when is bouncing through the air and walls it will allow us to land properly and get the running control back faster, instead of waiting for the bouncing to stop.
Yeah, that doesn't really matter. It's not the angle, but the speed of the character that determines when she snaps to the ground. Another player suggested some kind of "ground pound" or something like that to snap faster to the ground. If I continue working on this after the jam, I'll try that. Slow "ground snapping" seems to be the biggest problem the game has according to these comments.
Thank you again for playing. I'm sorry the controls weren't clear enough or that there wasn't some kind of tutorial level to get to know them better.