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I didn't get very far in this, but it seemed to run alright. I recommend working a little on conveyance; I thought I'd solved a brief jumping puzzle but I guess I must have run into some overhead spikes or fallen through a platform on a spike jump, but there was no animation for the first to let me know. I tried to hit a lever near the bottom but nothing happened that I know of. I hope those don't sound too nitpicky; what's here is great but it would be nice if I had a better idea of what was happening. Given the theming I think it's OK for there to be some mystery and puzzlement about it, but I'm not entirely certain what the puzzle pieces are.


Thank you  for the feedback. Don't worry nitpicky is good!

There shouldn't be anywhere you can fall through a platform,  and there's is only one instance of overhead spikes at the moment (probably the culprit), which I've made a little more forgiving on the collisions in the next update to be (post jam).

I've been working on some text when levers are activated to give the player at least an idea of what has just happened.
I'm also considering adding a sound effect to the player death and maybe increasing the visibility of on hit effects.. would love to know what you think of these!

Thanks again I really appreciate it!! :)