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A jam submission

Sands of Scorpio DemoView game page

Zodiac themed metroidvania
Submitted by Kray8Games — 3 days, 16 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Engagement & General#92.5002.500

Ranked from 10 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.



External assets
royalty free sound effects from, music by Tyler cunningham and Invadable Harmony, All credited in game and on description page.

Comments on the jam
This was probably my best experience with a Jam ever!

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While rough, I enjoyed seeing someone try to do a 2.5D platformer. I didn’t finish it, but I started thinking about how cool it would be to crawl around in all the smaller spaces like an ancient Egyptian rat.


I didn't get very far in this, but it seemed to run alright. I recommend working a little on conveyance; I thought I'd solved a brief jumping puzzle but I guess I must have run into some overhead spikes or fallen through a platform on a spike jump, but there was no animation for the first to let me know. I tried to hit a lever near the bottom but nothing happened that I know of. I hope those don't sound too nitpicky; what's here is great but it would be nice if I had a better idea of what was happening. Given the theming I think it's OK for there to be some mystery and puzzlement about it, but I'm not entirely certain what the puzzle pieces are.


Thank you  for the feedback. Don't worry nitpicky is good!

There shouldn't be anywhere you can fall through a platform,  and there's is only one instance of overhead spikes at the moment (probably the culprit), which I've made a little more forgiving on the collisions in the next update to be (post jam).

I've been working on some text when levers are activated to give the player at least an idea of what has just happened.
I'm also considering adding a sound effect to the player death and maybe increasing the visibility of on hit effects.. would love to know what you think of these!

Thanks again I really appreciate it!! :)


Fun game! I couldn't figure out how to beat snakes without taking a hit, but it sounds like you are working on the issue with the attack. I was worried about the spikes, but it ended up being no problem to dodge them with proper timing. Same with the moving platforms, I was worried about getting thrown off when they changed direction, but they were very easy to land on and stay on.

The dash didn't seem useful for anything, was it intended for a particular task? It also had a problem with responding to input like the attack, so I didn't bother using it.

I found the wall climb and escaped the underground area. After that I just fell off the edge of the world on the right side. Does that mean I won? :)

Good luck expanding your game!


Thank you for playing and completing the demo!

The dash is actually an ability meant to be given to the player later in the game, I included it in the demo mainly for testing purposes, to get it working and try make it as fun to use as I could

Hmm, there is supposed to be an invisible wall, and some text that triggers when you reach the end, I may have screwed something up in my last jam build, will look into it.

Thank you again!! :)


Oh, I just wanted to throw in, I loved the music & it was perfect for the game!


Thank you! I'm glad to hear you liked it.


like the concept of playing a scorpion 

felt like there was a delay to the controls

wasn't sure how to avoid the snakes attacks either
also turned around when next to spikes and got sent back to the beginning
the music was a good choice, suits the game well


I also had problems with the attack.  It didn't feel very responsive and sometimes wouldn't strike more than once.  The level design was interesting.  I had fun carrying the rock around on my back for a while, but was sad to see it didn't respawn when I died. :(  The rock did look a lot heavier than it felt.

I liked the music.  It felt very fitting to the game.

I wished I had been able to find the wall-climbing ability.  That sounds like it would be fun to play with.

Good work!  I hope you keep developing into a full game.  Would love to see it!


Thank you for playing! I've found the problem with the attack and it'll be fixed in the first post jam build
I'm also going to work out some decent signposting to guide people towards where that power up is, it's turning out to be harder to find than I thought it would be.


Great ideas.


The attack is extremely unreliable - most of the time when I pressed the button nothing happened, which made it really annoying to use, especially since it's a short range one, meaning that you have to also be in the enemy's range to use it.

But that's something that can be fixed with an update or two. And the game definitely has potential, though it could use either more variety in how the rooms look, or a map. As it is now, it's hard to tell if you've already visited a given location, or not yet.


Very unique idea! I liked seeing the progress your project made from start to finish!

I managed to find the wall climb ability, and flip a few switches. Though I couldn’t figure out how to progress after finding what looked like and elevator? It was a rock platform with a switch.

The movement is getting better from the first version I played. I did find that each of the abilities were occasionally unresponsive, but the attack was to most buggy in my experience.

Good job though, keep up the good work!


Neat demo, would definitely love to a see a desert environment based Metroidvania like this. Controls feel a bit sluggish, but the exploration is pretty neat so far. Once some time can be put towards the level design then I think it will get a lot more fleshed out. I never did find the wall climb item either, must have missed it somewhere!