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(1 edit)

What does "candy nudity" mean?

You can just give an explanation, but I'd prefer a screenshot, I need to make sure this game is clean enough.


At the beginning of the game, the Candy girl appears "naked" but there is nothing outrageous (you don't see her intimate parts at all and it's not in a sexual context or anything)
This video shows it:

(1 edit) (-2)

Thank you for the help! I've been waiting for more than a week for a reply :')


You're welcome! Nami is probably busy and it's easy to miss comments on, especially since she has a lot of games + her social medias and emails to manage as well :)

You're probably right. I was kinda just hoping for anyone to answer me, to be honest, though.

Well, I answered as soon as I saw your comment :P