This was such a good read! Also I love the artstyle. I see you have had the game translated in Spanish. I've sent you an email because I would love to translate Queen Beast in French, please let me know if you're interested ;)
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It's funny because I have rarely heard in speeches iel/ellui (or only when reading aloud inclusive content). These are far from being widely accepted outside of queer/feminist spaces, especially in France :'(
It's interesting that Italian have some linguistic solutions for terminations though, because French does not. We use symbols such as / · - * to write both the feminine and the masculine, but I personally don't like it because you can't really read it aloud and it messes with screen readers for example.
I'm sure of that as well!! :)
Thanks a lot!
We consider "quelqu'un" to be gender-neutral yes :)
Even though technically "un" is masculine, because the word "quelqu'une" does not exist and you use "quelqu'un" even to talk about a woman.
Also the pronouns iel/ellui are neo pronouns, you won't find them in a dictionnary, but more and more inclusive spaces/non binary persons use them. I hope Italian will create the same kind of pronouns one day!
Je viens de regarder la traduction, et franchement je suis impressionnée, vous avez vraiment eu de bonnes idées ! Je suis presque jalouse haha... J'ai adoré "Magnétoscope" par exemple (en plus le logo est très chouette) ! Et j'aime beaucoup le redesign des cartes, il rend super bien ! Enfin la traduction est très naturelle en français, le texte est fluide.
Par contre, je trouve un tout petit peu dommage que tout le texte soit rédigé au masculin, alors que l'auteur avait pris soin d'utiliser le pronom "they" partout et d'employer un langage inclusif. L'écriture inclusive aurait été en accord avec sa démarche et son idéologie, mais je comprends aussi que tout le monde ne soit pas à l'aise avec les différentes manières d'écrire d'une manière inclusive en français. Je ne pense pas que ce soit un gros point noir non plus !
Je pense aussi que la traduction de "cassette" n'est pas très claire en français, et je trouve dommage de ne pas avoir corrigé l'erreur d'impression dans le texte source (sur la feuille de partie, les "picks" et les "icks" sont inversés et donc le pliage ne fonctionne pas). Mais de manière général, je trouve que c'est une très bonne traduction, félicitations !!
Merci beaucoup pour ton commentaire ! Ça nous touche beaucoup de voir que ce choix de l'inclusif plaît :)
Pour ce qui est de guardian et de swashbuckler, il s'agit d'exemples de personnages-types, et non de classes à proprement parler, d'où notre choix d'alterner les exemples au masculin et au féminin. Mais nous regarderons s'il y a éventuellement moyen de reformuler ou d'étoffer cette partie pour rendre cela plus clair. Merci pour cette remarque en tout cas, et pour ce mot d'encouragemet qui a fait plaisir à toute l'équipe !!
Je n'ai qu'une seule chose à dire : incroyable. J'ai vraiment adoré cette traduction qui est clairement celle que j'ai préférée parmi les participation en français que j'ai lues. J'ai eu vraiment un gros coup de coeur pour "regain", "chat-pitaine", "coup de pouce" ou encore les traductions des différentes approches. Félicitations, et chapeau bas pour avoir en plus réalisé cette traduction tout seul !
For my team, the biggest challenge was making the translation gender neutral in French, since the source text was neutral as well. That was really hard, but hey, we decided to add this extra challenge ourselves xD
We found the "approaches" rather easy, we agreed on most of them quickly, except "flashy" and "forceful". Flashy was definitely the hardest one, because we had to find something that would work as an adjective and a noun. My favourite proposition was "tape-à-l'oeil" but unfortunately it didn't work as a noun, so we went with "exubérant". Sometimes, you have to kill your darlings :(
For "trouble", we went with "un mal" (literally a fancy way to say "something bad"), but now I'm kinda jealous of Alain's "misfortune" X)
For "high concept" we went with "concept clé" (key concept) which we all liked a lot.
However we REALLY struggle with how to translate "aspect", especially since, in the source text, it sometimes looked like they used the word "aspect" even when they weren't talking about the actual game mechanism? In the end we decided to use "attribut" (roughly "characteristic")
The time jump was pretty easy because we studied how to deal with them in class, we switched to the present (after making sure they were still available on the website) :) But I didn't know about the app!!
If you really want to play, I found a tutorial to play RPG maker games on Mac:
If you want to, there's a tutoriel explaining how to play these games on a Mac:
My best friend had the same issue aha
Played this game on Steam, it was amazing!! I wish it was longer, I loved May and I wish we could see more of Amy as well... It would be great to have more endings, and to be able to spend more time with each character, and not only May!
Please consider making a longer version of this game, I will gladly throw all my money at it <3