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(4 edits) (+3)

**Spoilers I guess**

Log 1:I beat the game, not too hard, got all the gem tools, built a boat, and escaped. On the end screen, it said the "monster still lived", which kinda confused me, but, eh whatever, probably some meta junk about how the monster was me and the zombies were guardians of peace or something. When I pressed escape and scrolled down to see the description, I saw "Update: Deluxe edition with save system, a boss and a few new items to discover."

A boss? What boss? I went everywhere. Well, not everywhere, but a boss probably wouldn't be too hard to find. So I dove back in...

I semi-speedrun the first part, mainly looking for the entrance to the cave. I go around, searching in large stone outcroppings. Finally, I find it. I bring my workbench to the entrance and make my base. No farm, no chest, no nothing. I. Was. Speed. I quickly make a gem pick and gem sword, followed shortly by an iron haxe to farm apples. Once I get 25 or so apples, I jump back into the cave. I'm going literally everywhere looking for some kinda boss. That's when I see it. A ladder leading deeper into the belly of the beast. I go down.

The music kicks up, my heart races. "Here it is," I think to myself. 'Giant sea eel' is above the health bar, and I'm nervous. I run around, looking for it. That's when it attacks. It appears, right on me... rubbing its face against me? I'm not sure, but it hurts like heck. I do a swing or two out of panic and run away. It disappears... can it turn invisible?! The ground is covered with water that the eel continually electrifies. "I should've brought some sand," I say out loud to no one. I see the eel's silhouette approach, and before I can even think...


I stood no chance against that beast. It completely and utterly bodied me. My jaw had been dropped. I start a new save, half-heartedly punch some trees, and realize, "I'm not going to beat this thing, no matter how hard I try. But you know what? I'm okay with that. I wanted to see something I had missed and dang it, I saw it. I should leave the hard stuff to the people who are up for the challenge. I had seen what I wanted to see. I'm satisfied."

Anyway, it's a really enjoyable game, the zombies' hitboxes are a little jank, but an all-around great time. I also hope you enjoyed my epic tale of victory and defeat, joy and woe, something and something else. This has a lot of speedrun potential, too. I suggest you, dear reader, try it. I'm not really the speedrun type, but for what speeding and running I did, it was fun.

Log 2: So that image that I attached was from the new game that I started, the one from after I had fought the boss. When I started a new game after that, it plopped me down right before the boss on my semi-speedrun save. Guess I'll try and beat the boss?

Log 3: Oh my God oh my heccin God I just killed him... WHOAH YEAH! OH MY GOSH, oh my gosh, I did it. Now all I have to do is beat the game like normal. Here we go...

Log 4: Oh yeah, son, we've done it. True ending.

Can vouch, it's a really fun game to run. I've been doing speedruns since November 2020, and hold the Any% record at 5 minutes 37 seconds. (Build a boat and escape.) Someone else managed to get a 5 minute 59 second time for killing the boss (Which we call Boss Kill%, go figure), which I think's way more impressive. Both categories are fun to just pick up and run every day for an hour or so, and seeing your time go lower feels so satisfying for this game in particular.

Also, really fun to read your adventures while browsing comments for this game. Sounded like it was almost as fun to write as it was to play through.

You know, I might have to try an any% run! From what little I did, I had a great time! Gg on the 5 :37 btw.

Thank you for this amazing story ^^ I'm glad you enjoyed your adventure!