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So it's Pac Man, but the ghosts just randomly teleport or change direction? 

Were you just to lazy to code the ghost AI?

For a clone, it is really close to the original one, the textures were a bit distracting, tho.

Hi! Thanks for the feedback!
It is pacman at the core, yes.
I found it really rude for you to call someone 'lazy' for not implementing some functionality that would be rather time consuming. I did whatever I could best in the 3 hours and I am proud of what I've made.
I would like if you were more constructive in the feedback to not just me, but to everyone else in the future.

oh, sorry about that. Personally, I think, being lazy is one of the core characteristics a programmer should have. So it was in no way meant like an insult. I would have probably done something similar since I hate coding AI's.
Though it resulted in a problem, that the ghosts sometimes teleported inside of Pacman. That's really frustrating.

As I said, it is a very good Pacman game and the changed movement of the ghosts really makes it more interesting, as long as you still can act so that you won't get trapped.