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(1 edit)

Just gave this game a try and it seems really promising but I just can't seem to get some things working. I tried following the tutorial on the game page but I had a lot of issues placing certain things and moving them around, and even after waiting 2 in game days I had 0 patients.  Since I can't really critique the parts I wasn't able to experience I'll say this: the art style is cool, kind of reminds me of old school game boy 2-color games. I think the buildings need names above/below them in the building page since they all look pretty similar.  Moving things around needs some work, and it would be nice if they snapped to the grid when placing. Solid effort though, I hope you can update it with a more in-depth tutorial because I'd really like to experience the rest!

To move you have to press for a long time, and you cannot move things on the UI side, this is a problem with the engine that I use, if you are not able to click try to move the camera, because sometimes the buttons overlap , if the npc is not spawning try to move the constructions a little bit, and the webGl version has a bug that the npcs don't move, try to download version 0.3 which is an old version in the link that is in the warning area, I'm done to play your game, I really think your game will win