Harvester units would be an improvement. Fun game.
I agree that at the moment it gets clickly - ; ) - impossible to harvest everything by hand.
We could maybe add some bees "boost" from the shop that would harvest the sugar automatically if you apply it on a tree.
Or we could simply make the delay bigger between 2 harvests but with more amount harvested so you get stuff to do between 2 harvests.
Thanks for the feedback !
Even with all the clicking I beat the game pretty quick. I feel like this game has potential to become something much more with a few additions. I don't have all the ideas right now but a harvester unit was the one thing that stood out as something that could move it forward. What if the map as it stands could become the first of several maps. And beating the current map unlocked the next map. And then the next map would be more difficult to reach and connect all the trees. But still pulling resources from the first map. That would give incentive to fill up the first map instead of just connecting the trees. To give the game a good flow, each successive map could have perhaps a different color of tree that cost more resources and produced more resources. That way, the resources from the first map would be useful but not overkill to the next level. One or two more tweaks past that, or even just these alone and the play time could multiply while keeping the levels of fun and interest up. Not trying to remake your whole game, just, I see potential here. Whatever you do with this, really fun game as it stands. Thank you for creating it.