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A member registered Sep 07, 2020

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Enjoyed so far. The varying resource speeds adds something to the experience. Nice aesthetic with the relaxing colors.

Something is wrong with the screen sizing. When the Process X pop up comes up, the bottom of it is cut off so I can't see or press some of the buttons. Not sure what else might be cut off in the main screen. But I suspect more is missing because the game play isn't making sense. Probably because of some parts of the screen cut off. Zooming in or out in Chrome doesn't change anything. 1366x768 is my pc's current and max resolution.


Feels like a lot of potential. Very cool base. Would love to see it expanded. One idea I had while playing was if dex increased your rate of attack, strength had a experience multiplier... things like that so leveling one stat helps level the others.

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No problem now. I figured chrome was being weird. Actually playing it turns out surprisingly good idle game. Pacing is approximately perfect. The extra dynamics that come along as you play counterbalance the need for patience real well. ie Keeps things interesting.

I dragged all the icons.

(Je ne connais pas le français. C'est une traduction Google.)
Agréable. Il a l'air sympa et fonctionne sans problème sur mon PC bas de gamme. J'aime l'aspect automatisation avec les gobelins. Une chose que j'ai remarquée, c'est que s'ils plantent quelque chose en même temps qu'une nouvelle récolte est mûre, ils ne la cueilleront jamais. Même s'ils n'ont rien à faire, ils resteront tous les deux assis dans la grange et regarderont cette récolte non cueillie comme "ce n'est pas mon travail". Cela pourrait être amélioré et vendu pour quelques dollars sur Steam. Je l'achèterais.

Fun but does need fullscreen mode or scroll ability or both. As I progress I have to zoom out farther and farther until I can't read things. Downloadable would be good also because some laptops or chromebooks can't do anything but one active tab at a time. Would like to be able to let this progress in the background and come back to it. Nice progression ark it seems to have; unlocking more water and etc. Fun overall.

Great idle game even in its unfinished state. My suggestion since you plan an end is to have a new game plus that rearranges things a bit to recreate a learning curve.

totally my fault but maybe don't let all the scissors become rock be bought before the speed multiplier is bought up

I enjoyed this game so much I wanted it to go on and on. I wanted it to last like 100 times longer but that's a lot to ask for. I like how it's the opposite of modern tutorial-ridden games. Look at the pictures. Think for a sec. Take action. Reminds me some of how games used to be when figuring out how to play a game was half the fun. Not that this was hard or anything but tutorials like to jump in and ruin it before you get a chance to discover anything for yourself.

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Pretty fun for something so simple. Looks are nice. Weapons were fun. Just expand to something that could last a few hours is all I could wish for more on this one.

Oh and fullscreen of course. Fullscreen is always a plus.

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Needs basic scaling and balancing. Good base. Add upgrades, add more per second purchases. All the standard stuff. Probably a prestige system. Upgrades to keep the click = roughly 20% of the total per second gain. Let it fall to 10% every once in a while then upgrade again to 20-30% to let people feel like they have a reason to click but not all the time like when it lags behind to 5-10%.

Mainly needs some creativity infused into it. Try to add 2 to 3 elements into it that people just don't expect or that you don't see in every other clicker out there. Think out of the box some. Doesn't have to be anything too crazy but needs something a little unique other than just the theme being unique. Unique play mechanics. Check through the last dozens of idle games released on Most of them are student beginner projects but many of them show some effort towards doing something a little different or unique. To get some ideas to help make your own ideas.

There's a limit to the number of upgrades that can be in the upgrade tab even after scrolling down. It makes it so if you buy some units, their upgrades show up and take the click upgrades off the tab so you can't upgrade it even if it costs a lot less.

This all sounds great. I'll give it another go.

Looks great now.

Got my fish to 50 lbs. Doesn't seem to change anything. The 30g value for scales upgrade is not accurate or will not purchase. The 500 scales value for g upgrade is not accurate also or will not purchase. Would like to play again if these are fixed. Would like to see the autoscaler up and running. Nice art and music. Makes it feel very cheerful oddly enough while one is ... scaling fish. 

I did nothing to increase my speed and still reached the top of the wall in about 10 minutes. Built 7 trees and 1 cloud maker. Reached the top and then read the instructions of course.

I like but that bugs me too all the time. Your screen might be different from mine but I found I can zoom out to 80% and then enter fullscreen and everything is almost perfect just with a little bit of border around the game screen. But everything able to read.

error message when trying to load initial game. ".pck is missing". Fails to load up.

I would like numbers by the weapons and items in the top left letting you know what level they are and yellow the number if it's max. Pause would be nice too. P or space instead of pressing escape twice to pause bc can get you killed while the game takes a second to exit full screen.

The screen resolution is off. Zooming in or out (chrome) or even full screen, is only showing roughly a quarter of the top left of the game.

I've played a few more rounds since then so it's quite addictive. I hope you do a full release. I'll gladly pay $$.  The trick for now is getting good weapon upgrades early instead of scrolls and shoes and whatnot. That way if you kill them fast enough it doesn't freeze up. Thank you for your response and cheers.

I won. My eyes hurt. I don't think I blinked for 45 minutes. At times I felt like I had more fun playing this than I did Vampire Survivors which Steam logs me as having played for a mere 97 hours I just found out. The reason, I believe, is that every single level up had at least one choice that I wanted. Only downside, slow-down. Started at 7:30 in the first map, 10:00 in the second, and I think (I stopped paying attention by this point) 4:00 in the third. Too many enemies and we're running at about half speed. With one exception. Last minute of the last level I was watching the game run in individual frames. Like half half half speed. 1/8th speed. I'd say one frame went by every .25 seconds or so. Still, I had so much fun that I didn't care too much about all that. If you're going to market it though...    Anyways. Loved the upgrades. Most of them felt like a noticeable improvement with the bonuses it brought and that helped keep things feeling like a sense of progress. Liked the enemy art. Especially in the Castle. I liked the spears a lot. Especially after they start getting extra hits. Vampire Survivors didn't have those. Only thing I missed was the lightning and spinach.

I did use the staff to collect coins and that was good. I did not know you could blow up old weapons. I'll have to try that next time. It was on browser and by the time I got to the weapon that was 2 or 3 past the bow, so maybe weapon number 8(?) or so, so many old weapons were on screen that it froze up. I don't think I found bombs yet when that happened.

Lots of fun I had here. However, game starts to break for me after too many items on screen. I think some of us might need a way to sell weapons or delete them. Lots of lower level items start crowding up after a while. And maybe even coins auto collect themselves after a while. Are those bubbles third parties that sometimes help and sometimes hurt you? Seems like it. That's cool if so. Kind of out of the box and fun.

Underappreciated employment simulator. I made this company $63,879.00 in 487 seconds and still got fired.

Oh I thought that would make me lose upgrade points. I'll try that.  I know some games go fullscreen without their proportions getting distorted so it would have large black areas on the sides or left and right. I don't know if that is hard to program. Maybe it's not worth it but that was the only thing I found frustrating is constantly going off the edges. But idk if it doesn't bother other players it may be just me. Or it could improve player experience. One of those. Improvement or just me.

I partly take one thing back. It seems the blue dot can't pick up red dots on the side edges once it reaches a certain size. 5 or 6. Once it gets a noticeable black border on it. So I think the hit box always has to be at least as big as the barrier edge. Probably not a big deal though. Drain can take care of a few that get through inevitably.

I'd also add a way to end a round early and go to the upgrades. Like R or spacebar.

Just around the top so people aren't getting the little "x" pop down that browsers have to exit fullscreen. Fullscreen would take care of the other three sides. You could border all sides but I'd still add fullscreen. I played the update, it does look like the uncapturable side dots are resolved.

Hitting the edge of the screen is a main part of the game because red dots will be off the side edge slightly and they congregate at the top at first. And the drain feature at the bottom. To stop going out of the game with the cursor often, fullscreen would help, combined with a border for the top that makes it so the edge of the yellow does not activate the "X" pop down from the browswer in fullscreen.

Also red dots that scrape the sides cannot be picked up by the blue. Unless that's by design.

I have this on steam. It's really good. Just wanted to show some support when I saw this here. I only played a few hours so I haven't left the first land yet but I'm really looking forward to seeing the rest of the game unfold and the game being fully completed. Active play does pay off and speed things up but it definitely works as an actual idle game where you can come back after a few hours and use the resources your townspeople have gathered. Good amount of upgrades and new buildings and units to acquire. None of the buildings end up feeling useless because higher tier buildings often require those basic resources plus they can be traded for gold on autopilot. It all comes together very well.

The upgrade to range 14 kills the player. It stops trying to dodge. Other than that, fun idea for an idle game. Maybe kills can set you back a level or two instead of back to zero.

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At 66,666.67 per second I can gain 1 billion in 250 minutes. I'm at about 60k/second right now. I don't know about this. It was fun so far. The plot development with the narrative and upgrades was fun. I think we need some upgrades again at levels past 25 like maybe 40 and also 50 to make that 1 billion more reachable.

This was a lot of fun. Looking forward to the full version. Would purchase on steam. I like how it resizes for a pc screen. Kind of like idle slayer but more of an rpg feel to this.

I played the whole game and thought I had it figured out : ) cool to know.