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(1 edit)

The first time I played, I got stuck in Reindeer Stalls without knowing why; when I tried to get out he said “Aren’t you forgetting something?”. I had the carrots with me, but I hadn’t spoken to Volodar before, so I had no idea what “Aren’t you forgetting something?” was referring to. I think it’s a problem to get stuck like that.

Fixed. The reason I did it that way originally was because if you dropped the carrots in the stalls, then left, you couldn't get back again because Volodar wouldn't let you in without the carrots. That made the game unwinnable. You may have been oblivious of that if you hadn't talked to Volodar or you hadn't tried to enter the stalls without the carrots. I now allow you to drop the carrots in the stalls and something else happens.