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(1 edit)

So, if you were able to guess what I was going to do in this post, you are most likely wrong(for even I think, "Who would do this right after completing some basic movement!?"
Now. Time to draw the curtain, why am I trying to make it dramatic? Well, the thing that I did was create an Inventory System. For anyone who does not know what an inventory is, it is basically, wait let me Google it, hehe. So, it is an item or a good that the player collects in the game(like for example- wood). Good, I learnt something new, hmm.
Here the clip showing the inventory system.

So if you saw the clip(I will try to edit the clips from now on to make it easier to comprehend), as I accept an item it gets added to the Inventory showing up on the right corner of the clip(sorry again for not editing) and no longer remains in the game. If the inventory gets full I show a message for the same in the lower corner of the clip. Some items are for immediate usage(like food that would increase the player's health, etc.) which are not stored in the inventory but rather utilized instantly.

♦ Mechanics- I check if the player has come in contact with the item in the game or not and if he does then I show him a panel for his consent on the same and depending on the choice I take the further steps.

I am not going to tell the dates for that feels unnecessary. If you want the date, reply for the same, yes it is an order, reply! Just kidding.

Well, that's all for this post and I am going to keep updating it as frequently as I can without compromising with the quality(as I did this time and did not even do the slightest of editing).

♦ I hope you are still finding this devlog interesting and are curious about what is to come next. Make sure to share your opinions.