Latest Post — #7(Major)(Scroll down)
No, the title of my game is not "Untitled". I haven't thought of a name yet. I refer to my game as "Beginning" which represents the state that my game is at.
I began developing my game around October 2020, which means that around 2 months have passed since I began developing the game. I have made quite a lot of developments during that time period but I am not going to show them in a single post for it is going to be hectic for me to do so. I would try to maintain quality and a sense of uniformness in my posts to allow anyone following the devlogs, keep up easily, and help increase his/her interest gradually as I upload more posts. So, that was a huge introduction, let's begin!
This first post is about an event from the past brought to light for you, who lives in this era of modernity, just kidding. This post goes back to October when I began with my game. I created a repository(something I never really did before) for my game on GitHub which is set as private. Why am I talking this much? Let's just begin with the post.
This gif shows the movement that I completed on the first day, that is, on 21st October 2020. I know it looks jerky but it is because it is a recorded clip that slowed down my computer while recording which has caused it to look that jerky but the gist of it is that I was able to develop the movement and rotation(being able to look around). I was wondering a lot back then as to what should I choose, a physics-based controller(rigid body controller) or a non-physics-based controller(character controller) and after a few searches I ended up with the non-physics-based controller(character controller) which needs all sort of physics to be implemented separately. I think it might be good for an experienced programmer to use it but I was able to get what I wanted from it. The next post would be a short one in which I would include how I implemented jumping in the same.
♦ Mechanics(kind of) for movement(read if interested)- As you know I was using a character controller, but I never really had used it before which you might have inferred from the above text. So, I searched on the internet and was able to find the answer to it pretty easily which was to just move the character based on the input(wait isn't that obvious, ha). But, yes it is just that. I am not going to explain it for I am not the type of person to be able to pull that off, why you ask? That's because I am a genius, just kidding.
♦ Well, I hope you enjoyed reading this post and would like to continue to follow this game as it is developed. Thanks