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thats one good looking man you got there-

BT: my diamond, we have arrived.

TD: oh, thank you tourmaline! *turns to amethyst* come on, let's go!

Amythest: Yes My Diamond.

TD: *humming memories while walking to the diamonds meeting hall*

Amythest: *singing along in her mind*

BD: w-who's there? turquoise, i-is that you...?

TD: *picks her up* don't worry black, i'm here, its me!

BD: you haven't came back for a while, did something happened...?

TD: no, no, you don't have to worry about that, not anymore!

Amythest: an honor to meet you My Diamond.

BD: h-huh? who... who said that?

TD; oh, thats my friend, amethyst!

BD: Ame... thyst?

Amythest: Yes. I'm the Amythest guard. My Diamond.