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BD: *she opens her eyes, which are now black*  i... she... *she looks around* i can... see...

Kuzinite:  If you ever need me just give me a call. *walks out*

BD: *grabs her hand* w-wait... please don't... leave...

Kuzinite: yes My Diamond?

BD: *hugs her* i... i think you should... stay here... with me... *smol blush*

Kuzinite: If you wish My Diamond.

Amythest: *mind: hmmmmmmmmmmmm.*

BD: *hugs tighter* please... don't ever leave me...

Kuzinite: Whatever you ask. :)

BD: ... *her blush is now way more visible*

TD: thank you so much you two!

Amythest:  All I did was call her My Diamond but thank you anyway.

Kuzinite: yw My Diamond.