start_at = room game_settings { add_standard_prepositions = false experimental_new_parser = true } locations { room : location "You are in a room."; } objects { twine : object "a ball of twine" at = "room" msg = "aaa"; text_book : object "a text book" at = "room"; } on_command { : if (is_present "twine" && noun1_is "ball") { : mask { : set_noun1 text="twine"; } } : match "_ _" { : mask { : print {("^n^verb = " + original "verb")} : print {("^n^preposition1 = " + original "preposition1")} : print {("^n^noun1 = " + original "noun1")} : print {("^n^preposition2 = " + original "preposition2")} : print {("^n^noun2 = " + original "noun2" + "^m^")} } } : if (is_present "text_book") { : match "read _" { : if (preposition1_is "about") { : if (noun1_is "ball") { : print "It says you only need rubber to make a ball."; : done; } : print "There's no topic on that."; : done; } } } } vocabulary { : experimental_replace { text = "ball of twine" with = "twine" } : preposition / aliases = [about] : noun / aliases = [ball] }