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hi, i really appreciate your efforts to create this game, and i must say i managed to fix it

First of all, I had to go to properties and compatibility, I think I could windows xp service pack 3 or windows 7, I just wanted to leave you this note so you can fix it

I have already played this demo and I must say that I love it, do I use game maker? because the truth is I love unity graphics, and the art is incredibly well done

the gameplay is very good, it even reminds me of the hollow knight, which is one of my favorite games, the setting is very well achieved, mystery, unknowns

and of course counting the great atmosphere of a being called "Boss" ... I love it, the biggest problem is clearly the performance, which not even games like assassins creed 3 was so slow on my laptop

But from the rest, I must say I love it, of course the gameplay on my part was limited by an exsecive drop in frames when leaving the room, much more noticeable in the room where there are many guards

It's probably due to the enemies' AI, but the rest, I really liked the game, I hope you complete it and have good reviews!

(1 edit)

I'm glad you could manage to play the game! I'll use this info to improve the game performance.

I'm currently developing Tessa's Fate on Godot Engine. I used to code on Unity but, due to personal preferences, I looked for an alternative. I found Godot pretty powerful and easy to learn.

I'm glad you're enjoying the game! Indeed I'm taking inspiration from Hollow Knight. I like mystery and deepness in video games!

I'll be working on performance. For now, I've already uploaded the Web Public version on Newgrounds you can find here:

But, it's a downgraded version, tho.

Thanks for your wishes!