1. Hi there! What's your name? Want to introduce yourself?
Hi! I go by Scuqualo on the Internet and I'm an Italian university student. I'll be teaming up with a couple of friends, maybe I'll edit their names here, but I'll have to ask them first. Edit: One of them couldn't help us because of life issues and the other is Homuncolo. <- this is also where you'll find the finished game.
2. Did you participate in the last jam we held? If so, what do you plan on doing better this time? If not, what's your reason for joining?
No, this will be the first videogame for everyone in the team (which by the way doesn't have a name yet, we accept suggestions for badass or goofy team names). Since we like to make our life complicated we'll start working on the game on the 28th of July, this has nothing to do with my uni exam on that same day... Nothing at all.
3. What games are your favorites? Did any of them inspire you, or made you want to make your own?
I really like Bastion, Transistor and the Mirror's Edge franchise, but the unifying factor across the team is Undertale and we hope to take a lot of inspiration from that.
4. Do you have experience with game development? What did you do/with what engine?
Well I built a couple of card games (still in prototype phase) but we're essentially picking up GameMaker Studio 2.0 from scratch.
5. Tell us about something you're passionate about!
Netrunner is an amazing cardgame. It explores a lot the possibilities of gameplay with hidden information, it's a shame it's super complicated and hard to teach.
6. What are your goals for this game jam?
Me personally I want to see how hard can I work for something I'm really passionate about. I love gamedesign but I've never had the chance to delve into it for more than a couple of hours at a time. I hope I can put in 40 hours of work into this, we'll see how it goes!
Good luck to everybody!