First of all, thank you so much for the feedback!
I know the tutorial is horrible right now. I didn’t have the needed time to make it how I planned it, it’s very like your suggestion and I’ve scheluded for the next version.
I had a lot of problems with coding about the enemy waves and the few patterns I created (and lots of patterns like movement, pathfinding, and others that I couln’t applicate because of the deadline) and I prefered spawn the enemy positions randomly so it doesnt became a pattern you have to learn where te enemies will be each wave so you have to make a different estrategy every time you start a new game. So I will have to check all of these scripts, polish them A LOT, and maybe I’ll have more decent enemies next time hahaha.
I liked the idea of having a time limit for every wave and I’ll deffinetly use it for the next version, and I also want to make the options menu (that I forgot to remove the button from the Main Menu :P), add some narrative and make an autosave for every level completed or a range of waves completed at any level.
I really appreciate your reply and I’ll take note for every single thing you told me to make it better and more enjoyable for the next version.
Thank you so much!! n.n/