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This is phenomenal. The graphics are amazing, the sound design is fine, and it seems that you all were completely committed to the steampunk aesthetic. The clock tower that shows how much time until the next shift is a very nice detail. I was surprised that falling through the floor resulted in an underground section.

The gameplay is decent, but I personally didn't like how there is almost no way to gauge how close turrets (and their projectiles) are to you. The difficulty doesn't appear to ramp up much, if at all, so things tend to get boring after a few minutes because of the lack of threat.

This is just an observation, but the fov kick that happens when you dash will play again if you keep clicking after you have already dashed, resulting in the fov going crazy until you land. This is very very minor.

I wish that there was a way to climb up to the surface after you fall, I think that would make gameplay much more interesting. From what I saw, though, falling was basically giving you 1 more chance to not fall. I like that feature, but like I sad, there's more you can do with it.

For 24 hours, this is incredibly impressive. If you continue work on this, I think that you can do more to add more weight to the player, have a way to detect nearby objects without having to look at it with the camera, and maybe have difficulty increase at a higher rate.

9/10 - The graphics, aesthetic, and virtual bug-freeness. I just think that the gameplay lacks a bit.

I think that this a very big accomplishment for your team!


thank you very much for the feedback! I'll start playing and rating all the games soon!

it was hard, we programmed a lot to make it playable, so i'm glad you enjoyed it!

the difficulty ramps up after the bell rings, so if you wait some rounds it becomes a furious battlefield! sorry for the crazy fov, it was my brain melting hehe. it's possible to climb back up, but you have to run like an ostrich and slither like an eel dashing for the top! the level under the first one gives you another chance, but it also puts you in the wrong neighborhood because of the turrets on the ceiling!