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i'm not sure, it might have been a hallucination, or maybe not- i finished leo's good route and honestly im quite satisfied with the ending. i feel like they both matured, and were smart enough to cease their communication for as long as we can see. very good ending im cured of my trauma

It is kinda hard to tell, maybe it was the ghost reliving his death? Does that even make sense? 

Yeah, they did seem to have matured, and they did say goodbye on friendly terms and leave it open for them to possibly be friends again someday. It's just sad Leo was so hurt and cried for almost two years over losing Chase. Sure he had been doing some pretty messed up things, but Chase should have contacted him and made sure he was ok or something!

i do agree, chase should have contacted him, or tried to, but it seemed like they no longer had eachother's contact information? since they decided not to share it together, that's what i think happened. even then, i think kudzu would have probably told chase to not since the last time they saw leo, he was pretty messed up

Makes sense but is still very sad. you would think that if Chase ever loved Leo he would have tried to check and see if he even survived  when they left him!