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A member registered Dec 30, 2020

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we ever gettin john updates.. :(

it's still the 'good' ending because the protagonist is in a healthier relationship and away from echo i guess lol


no :)

spoilers for tj's route i guess

...who wrote the letter and treasure hunt?? wasn't it literally revealed that flynn and carl worked on it. chase made the last letter that's found,??

trust me... you're gonna love the rest of the routes. if you haven't done route 65, do so BEFORE jenna and flynn's routes !! it's optional for TJ and Carl's, but is really good to have finished before Jenna and TJ's :]

theres a bunch if typos! i have a long message from about 12 days ago i think with only some that I found lol

good point, but.. how does it become red, orange, yellow and brown?

in the tags it says queer, yaoi and gay !! other than jenna's route, all of the routes you can go down are mlm :)

chase has brown, red, orange and yellow eyes
flynn also has changing eyes! blue in some cgs, green in his sprite

in my opinion, it depends on who you get attached to.
if you're immediately attached to tj, go for him first because his hurt the most for me.

don't go for flynn first, leave him and jenna for last (and play Route 65 before going through their routes).

(3 edits)

i'm quite intrigued - why do carl, leo and tj have nude sprites in the files?

more specifically, why does carl have a ton??

echo project pleASE what is chase's eye colour???

cgs make it look brown, his sprite is red, and flynn says his eyes are yellow??

chase has sprites that are only in his boxers, others have shirtless sprites, sex and masturbation is in the writing, but that's about it

violence happens

i'd um. get that checked haha

i agree! i finished leo's and then went to route 65 and there is so much route 65 references to it and a whole ass scene, word for word from route 65

hehe, that's for you to find out

nah, no one dies

??? as far as im aware, there shouldn't be anything that sends you to a different site ...

spoilers, obviously

if you go down tj's route immediately, prepared to fucking bawl your eyes out if you get overly attached to everyone, though it seems he might be the worst route with how it affects you? i haven't done flynns, nor carls, and i'm not done with jenna, but so far leo and jenna helped me get over tj's route since it. was really powerful. tj's also doesn't paint flynn in the best light, he's an asshole, yes, but the other routes make him look better, yknow

im not sure who else did (though i do think someone else did), im sure flynn said something about not getting back with leo, or it's a mistake, or something. 

as for leo - i don't think chase wanted to, but he had to, for survival. leo didn't deserve to be left, but the group panics for a second once they realize leo didnt make it onto the train, flynn shouting fuck, for example. they didn't want him to be left back, but since leo left, with no one knowing, they didn't have a chance to bring him back. it was a matter of survival for everyone, leo just so happened to have gone through a traumatic episode in the small second, and that trumped his adrenaline to get onto the train.

there should have been a way to contact leo, but then again, we've already seen chase and how he acts when he's in an awkward situation, he becomes silent, as he did with leo when they broke up. he was young, and he uses that excuse frequently, because he knows he doesn't know how to handle it otherwise.

i do agree that chase should have said something else, but i can see why he said it! he was under a lot of pressure, pain, adrenaline and stress. he didn't have time to think, and probably said whatever was first on his mind: yes, i'll stay with you in echo, or no, i've voiced my opinion on echo.

if chase did decide to stay, leo's obsession with him was already getting out of hand, especially with the hysteria the town was going through, leo would have eventually gone to hurt chase, accidentally or 'on purpose' (because of the insanity). normally leo wouldn't, i agree with that, but the many factors along with no one to stop him, leo wouldn't have had anyone to stop him from doing whatever he wants with chase.  he 100% had real love for chase, but the obsession would overrule his love.

i see where you're both getting from, but remember that everyone was telling chase not to get together with leo, since he was quite literally obsessed with chase to an extremely unhealthy amount- chase only saw a glimpse of leo being better, and since he would obviously have trust issues, especially from reading his phone (if you chose to do that, im not sure what happens if you don't), and simply being kept away from the group. i think chase did the right thing to agree to not speaking again, otherwise leo would have reverted to his previous state. if he did stay down, and not jump on a moving train, he would have been stuck with leo, and for all they know, could have been targeted because of that. everyone else would have left, and leo would have been free to really do whatever he would want with chase, due to his size.

of course! people playing it and pointing it out is definitely for the best, though

i do agree, chase should have contacted him, or tried to, but it seemed like they no longer had eachother's contact information? since they decided not to share it together, that's what i think happened. even then, i think kudzu would have probably told chase to not since the last time they saw leo, he was pretty messed up

(1 edit)

when chase wakes up in Jenna's route, he says 'whinging'.

when talking to jenna about yaoi and bara, he says 'i cant turn my head curiously towards her.'

i'm not sure, it might have been a hallucination, or maybe not- i finished leo's good route and honestly im quite satisfied with the ending. i feel like they both matured, and were smart enough to cease their communication for as long as we can see. very good ending im cured of my trauma

(4 edits)


(edit; what's the point of downvoting bro it's just letting the authors know there are mistakes that could be fixed :pensive:)

A different comment, definitely needs a grammar check; just between TJ's route and one of Leo's, I've encountered plenty of mistake, such as Kudzu being called 'Kduzu' when at Leo's house with Carl, TJ, Chase and Leo, other chatboxes having improper grammar, such as Kudzu starting with lowercase letters in certain parts (though I can't remember). Some just don't end with periods, which is oddly unsettling, such as Leo saying "How" (i think) when they're at the motel, about to find TJ, Chase saying "Wait, Leo, clint hasn't done anything to us since this started, just--". Flynn also refers to Kudzu as 'Kduzu' when they're going to the train. Unlike every other time (that i've noticed), Chase says 'Oh my god', instead of 'Oh my God' when talking to Leo in the same scene.

Jenna says "I know that sounds bed" instead of bad in her route as well.

Woohoo, Flynn's route time!!

Janice is literally missing her name on her chatbox when Chase and Flynn choose what they're having to eat.

"Habistat", huh, Flynn?

offtopic of your fanfic, which i may read!! 

i noticed things that counter other routes- (SPOILERS)

in tjs route, chase visits the 'forest', and claims that he saw a dead fox in the forest once, however in leo's route, he says he's never seen a dead body before ...

once i'm finished all of their routes, i could honestly just write good/neutral/bad, if i want to make my own psychological torture for myself LMAO

I'm sure they probably receive notifications, but if I had to guess, they don't have many staff members, so it's hard for them to get to the comments? I've seen them comment on one of the comments multiple weeks ago, they're busy people, I'm sure they want to read, but don't have the time. I guess for TJ's Good/Bad/Neutral, Neutral could be just a plain friendzone, or it leaving off with TJ struggling to figure his sexuality out, Chase helping him along. Good could be them getting together and working on the project, taking hikes, etc. and Bad would be his current ending- I haven't completed anyone else's routes, working on Leo's right now, actually, so I can't add onto anyone else's routes.

I was immediately gunning for TJ's route- expecting it to be kinda sad, like he gets physically hurt or something, but nope! Of course, this game isn't meant to be happy-go-lucky, as it gives a warning, but I do hope that they make other endings for everyone! I feel like 1 ending for certain characters isn't satisfying enough, plus it would add a lot more replayability and feel like you're in control rather than choosing one route, and then nothing else matters because you're already on the path to that one ending. I hope they take into consideration this suggestion, likely not, though

i'm not gonna lie! i read some comments and i brushed it off; i read someone say they wish they had more control over TJ's route, and i now get that completely! i wish i had significantly more control over the ending, and hope in the future that we get good/neutral/bad endings, because tj's really fucked me up! i finished it last night and i've been pretty upset since because i got really attached to him, i wanted to build a good relationship, but then that had to go and happen?? i'm sorry?? please at least give me a happy ending where tj and i get to spend the rest of eternity together consensually PLEASE oh my god i can't STAND the current ending it's so upsetting.  i haven't and probably won't complete routes for a few weeks because tj's fucked me over so mentally lmfao, but everyone seems.. so real. they're real people in a game, which not many games can reaaaaally say.