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Thanks for letting me know. I just tried it, didn't work the first few times, but then eventually did. Let me know if it's working for you.

hey thanks for responding! Still the same issue, tried starting it several times but it gets stuck on that loading screen. I tried it on my old PC and was having this issue for a while, and now I'm on a new PC and have the same issue. Maybe I need to update something?

That's frustrating. I'm not sure what could be causing it.  Which browser are you using? Have you tried using different browsers?

Here is where I show my total lech of tech skills...I just have it installed in the itch app and am hitting launch in the app? Is there another way to play it? It launches in whatever itch's game launch thing is?

 It should be playable just in browser, no need to download or use the app. Hope that works for you.

yes! that worked! I forgot that itch is kind of a browser inside an app and I can just load it in an actual browser. All good now - thanks!!

Great! Glad I was able to help.