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What an incredible read. So beautiful, so intense, so funny. TF141 made me laugh so much. Being older now (I'm middle aged) I empathize so much with all the young characters trying to find themselves. Not that I didn't empathize when I was younger but I can look back on the chaos now 20 years ago and it's really just unbelievably chaotic. Being young and being unable to handle the dysfunctional world around you and reacting so much. I have empathy for Gestirn, I've worked with people like that in mental health settings and they're incredibly mentally ill and in pain. It's sad. Unfortunately people like that also get rewarded for that kind of sick thinking far too often. But the pain of youth is so real, and layered on that the pain of rejection and violence and oppression experienced in particular by queer youth is so intense.
It was just really such a beautiful exploration of youth and identity. Just incredibly well written. Absolutely one of my fav games of the year. Gonna recommend it to a lotta people. Amazing job and thanks so much for writing it. Also love the new audio additions, really gives it an added layer that elevates it.
oh my god this is so freaking hard lol i simply can not beat it. I mean maybe if i played for 30 hours but goddamn. Really like the puzzle design. If I wanted an easier game I'd love for it to permanently mark where you find a trap, that would help sooo much. But I get that's not what it's going for.
I love the vibes and style put into this. The gameplay is simple and quick and generally works but I think some deeper structure to balance out the randomness would help, plus some UI changes. Make it clear that when you take armor/weapons it replaces what you have. Also maybe add something that makes it clear what outcomes events could possibly have? I haven't run into anything that heals me...or am I supposed to heal myself somehow?? but I just kept eventually dying because even with good armor and weapon 10 health is not a lot. Cool idea though and I love the look, definitely could grow into something really good!
this was awesome!!! just finished it, really great! the combat was pretty fun and a solid challenge but not too hard, really enjoyed it! And I loved all the different environments for each section of the tower and all the fun enemies and the party members. Also loved the themes obviously! I'm curious I found some kinda secret items, is there a secret ending or anything like that