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I played Adastra, and yes I cried a lot... Took me a little to get myself ready for another one, base on the comments this one seemed to be worst(in the best way).

So.. before I enter to this new world, may I ask some spoilers? Just maybe some glimpse... So it would be worth it..

spoilers, obviously

if you go down tj's route immediately, prepared to fucking bawl your eyes out if you get overly attached to everyone, though it seems he might be the worst route with how it affects you? i haven't done flynns, nor carls, and i'm not done with jenna, but so far leo and jenna helped me get over tj's route since it. was really powerful. tj's also doesn't paint flynn in the best light, he's an asshole, yes, but the other routes make him look better, yknow

base on what they are saying. He dies?

nah, no one dies

Oh.. Well that's a relief.. So, just got abandoned? Or what?

hehe, that's for you to find out

Naaaaaah.. At least give me a hint, I still haven't played it yet because something tells me this is going to cost a lot of tissue...

violence happens


Did it take you to a different site?

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I still haven't played this yet, tho I already downloaded it, and I got it for 2 days straight now.. so, I'm still putting myself back together since I just finished Adastra weeks ago... 

I'm still not ready for an another Emotional Rollercoaster Ride....

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Okay, as a Person who follow this game before Carl route done, I highly recommend route to play as 1.Carl 2.Leo 3.TJ 4.Flynn 5..Jenna

Why? Because if you jump straight into Jenna route it'll ruin some     'plot'. The important thing is a puzzle and hint has been reveal slowly in each route. Think of it as a CHAPTER.

OH and before you play Jenna route besure that you finished Echo route 65 first! ;) 

Sure! Thank you for the suggestion. I surely look it up 😊

i agree! i finished leo's and then went to route 65 and there is so much route 65 references to it and a whole ass scene, word for word from route 65

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I'll just say that Echo has no good endings, it has bad endings and bittersweet endings! Even whats considered the best endings really made me sad! I'm actually writing my own endings now!

So let me ask about Adastra, what is it like? Are it's endings sad too? Since it's science fiction I'd normally jump at playing it, but not after echo...

Oh you should really TRY ADASTRA! It may be a little eh... Clichè on some parts but in a BEST WAY, if you really just focus on the story, you will surely cry on the ending.. Also, heed my warning that in the end You'll surely be craving for MORE, literally because Spoiler Alert, in the end the two protagonist eh.. You know what can't tell you, because it will surely ruin the whole plot.

Lol! Alright I will do so then!

Going to play the smoke room update first though.