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Awesome review! Just really great :3 I'm so happy to hear this feedback. It's always wonderful hearing some in depths words and opinions from someone who gave the game a run through.

I did try my best to give the characters a personality and give the story some good content. I know there are some tweaks that could probably be made and some word choice that would make it better, but I'm glad you enjoyed it to this extent! But yes it does need review with the spelling and grammar. It desperately needs it and while I would always accept help looking over and reviewing the spelling, the game is 350k words as a whole and that's a lot of content to look through x3 but feel free to shoot me an email or telegram message if you'd like to. 

I am glad you enjoy the art too. The character art in the first iterations of the game was pretty bad imo x3 but I think it really improved after it got redone and although it's not perfect now I'm still pretty happy with how it looks. Same with the UI. I still have an old copy of one of the earliest builds of the game and it's like night and day where it started and where it's at.

I do think it would be nice to have a way to continue the game after selecting a scene. Originally I had a save creator planned for the game but it was replaced with the scene picker. It'd be neat to revisit the idea of that feature. 

Anyway thank you for the whole review :3 being someone's best game of 2020 is a fantastic feeling even if it's just one person. Thank you for playing and being so wonderful with reviews! <3