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A member registered Feb 20, 2016 · View creator page →

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Soon x3

I need to implement a couple more things before uploading a public release. I could put something up that's "in development" but game its taking a bit of time since everything now is almost completely redone from the ground up now. I'm happy with the direction though. It's become my primary project outside my day job.

Mange tak! It's always really nice to get feedback like this :3 I'm glad you enjoyed it <3

There's a really big overhaul of this game in the works. Will be redone from the ground up. Hopefully that'll fix things ^^

Late reply again x3 been very busy lately but I did put out a little preview of the new update on my patreon. I put it there simply because it's not polished nearly enough to post here but I just wanted to put something out to show it's in the works still!! Just my day job takes so much time developing is slow going.

lol  that's a great find

It is still being updated every now and then when I've got the time to do it but it's not a big focus of mine at the moment. It's a super basic game at the moment so unfortunately there's no touching unless you're in VR

Very late reply, sorry about that. But what I've got planned so far. No character selection unfortunately. I want to have a much larger selection of lewd scenes and it's way easier to do that with one character you play as. More enemies, yes, but the way they operate will be much different. It's a really lengthy process to get gifs created so they'll probably have a static image until I can get gifs created of them all, so that'll be a wip. Android support is planned. I try really hard to make my games available on as many platforms as possible, so that's on my list to get done. Basically this game is getting redone from the ground up. Taking longer than I anticipated sadly, but I guess what doesn't these days. I'm really pleased with the changes though so far and really looking forward to releasing this :3

Ok, yeah this is most likely a bug in the game where two sets of text accidentally have the same play time. I'll take a look and try to find them get it sorted out. Thank you for letting me know! 

Thanks for the report. It's very possible it's an issue with the game input. Is there a specific line/scene that it consistently happens in? And are you using mouse, keyboard, or controller input?

yeah, the coins and the clothes were two features that originally were planned to have a lot more involvement but the project and story ballooned to be so massive they got dropped so I could finish what I had. But I left them in because after I finish my current projects it's entirely possible for me to go back and actually include some of the things I wish were in the game. But I'm really glad you enjoyed it!!! And thank you for playing <3 Down the road when I finish some of my other projects or the sequel VN I'd love for you to come back and try it out as well :)

Not rude ^^ glad there's enthusiasm for the project :3 Still in the works. Much closer than before. Probably will put out an early look sometime soon-ish. Got pulled into some fixes and writing changes needed for Chasing Tail so my attention got pulled there during the holidays.

Is it possible you had natural mode on, or somehow accidentally toggled it on from the menu? That will disable all clothes.

You are the first person to ever ask for a mac build XD but unfortunately I have no way to test on a mac. It'd be risky to release an untested build so sadly a mac build probably won't happen soon.

And yeah, Helios is unfortunately only in that one specific scene. There's always a chance he'll get more screen time in the future ^^ but if so it'd be after I finish up the next VN

Yeah, I know! I'm not a 3D artist, and the majority of furry model makers like the ladies way more. But I have a few more now to include. This game has been very slowly getting a very big overhaul when I need a break from other projects. 

Hey thanks for trying it out and leaving a comment! Yeah, this game is a bit rough. It could use a lot of love. It was one of my earliest projects that I spent a lot of time on, but eventually put it on hold to try some new things. I've improved a lot since then and once I finish up some of my current projects I'd love to come back to this and breathe some new life into it and make it what I always intended it to be. As you said, "proof of concept" is probably a good way to describe it but still glad you maybe got a little enjoyment out of it :)

not rude, don't worry. But yeah, I've got an update in the works for this. I always wanted to turn this into a more full featured dungeon crawler so that's the plan. More features, better AI, and more lewd content. It's getting remade from the ground up in Godot. Sadly it will probably take a few months before anything is ready to be shown, but I'm working on it! 

Chasing Shadows should get a public update here at the end of the month :3

Thanks for the kind words :3 

Dracoins and Outfits were originally planned to do a lot more in the game but that feature got cut as development went on. Originally dracoins were going to be required for the good ending, and also be used to purchase outfits. outfits were going to give unique dialogue too. Now they're just around as collectables mostly. The outfits do still have a tiny influence on your final love. All characters have some outfits they like and dislike.

There are some flowcharts within the game that give a basic overview of how scene's progress.

There's also some info here: 

Not sure if that really counts as a guide though. Unfortunately there's nothing created yet that shows specifics on what options to choose to get certain outcomes

(1 edit)

Sadly no, Perya does not have a romance option :'(

But thank you! <3

Late reply. sorry. but here you go. Hopefully this will help a little. Bonus and mini scenes do happen randomly if you don't have the free explore enabled. If you do use free explore, they can all be found on the overworld. And if you miss something and really want to see it you can always choose it from the scene picker ^^

Bonus Scenes

  • 101 - Atti (with Atti lewd scene) - occurs after 17.1
  • 102 - A performance not to forget (with Angel lewd scene) - occurs after 9.3
  • 103 - Mshen (with Mshen lewd scene) - occurs after 7.4
  • 104 - Zion (with Zion lewd scene) - occurs after 16.3
  • 105 - Heretic (with Nava lewd scene) - occurs after 16.3
  • 106 - Forced (with rickon lewd scene) - occurs after 4.6
  • 108 - The raptor (with Jane lewd scene) - Occurs after 3.1
  • 109 - Click (with click lewd scene) - Occurs after 16.3

Mini Scenes

  • 201 - Species Guide - Occurs after scene 1.1
  • 202 - Izzy's Diary - Occurs before 20.1
  • 203 - World map - Occurs after 1.4
  • 204 - Io's Performance - Occurs after 2.1
  • 205 - Click - Occurs after 4.1
  • 206 - Chef - Occurs after 2.1 or 4.1 or 7.4
  • 207 - The Storm - Occurs before 20.1

At the end of scene 2 (Drackey's party), accept Scylez's invite to get his first date. And then in scene 9 (Game night), have Blinki go pick up the food. This will prompt Scylez to invite you to dinner for his second date. You have to have seen the first date to see the second date. Hope that helps! 

Thanks for the feedback! All good ideas. Rollback is high on my list and will probably get implemented at some point. I'd love to add more art too but that's a slow process. Maybe down the road though I could do some of these ^^

Thanks for giving it a shot. An update is on my to do list. Just need to actually get around to it.

Thanks! Yeah the text didn't get nearly as much attention and refinement as needed. The time limit snuck up so quick!

Thank you :)

Thanks! yeah thinking back on it. a progressive style introduction would have  been miles  better. I was really scrambling though to get this done at the last minute though lol like I'm sure lots of people were

Pretty solid idea! If expended on it could make a lot of really fun tricky scenarios

Love the concept and art of this one!

ah thanks for the report! Really appreciate taking the time to leave a comment for it. It helps a lot <3 I'll get that fixed for the next little update

Yep! 4_3 is the latest version and is the next version after 4_2_1. I didn't even know had a desktop app, so I'll have to take a look into that, but for the best version try to get it to download 4_3

Thank you! :3 I really appreciate it. And yep I'm still hard at work on getting more updates out, for this game specifically too. I was hoping to have a new public release done by the end of June but it's just sadly not ready yet. maybe next month. I've been doing a lot of changes in the code and also some re-writes of earlier parts of the game to make things a bit better, but that also means I needed more art XD so there's so many things needed to make such a small change. I want Chasing Shadows to be really great but guess a long dev time is the price I pay x3 Hopefully it'll all be worth it ^^ and thanks again for the nice comment :3

Thank you <3 
And there's always a chance she'll show up in CS ;3

I'll have a new public update for that game next month hopefully :3

Oh you can save anywhere. When you play, every now and then a little notification should pop up that you hit a "checkpoint" and when you save and load, it'll load back to the most recent checkpoint. Not ideal I know, but the checkpoints happen pretty often so it works for now. When I say a save anywhere feature is in the works, I mean a true save anywhere system without these checkpoints and where the game will load in right to the exact line you saved at.

ahhh rollback feature is for sure possible. At some point I'll probably figure out how to get it done in the next VN since that one's got a bunch of experimental stuff going on and then I'll pull the code over to this one after it's stable. That, and being able to save anywhere are two of the bigger feature requests for these VN's which makes sense

thanks ^^ and any specific suggestions for improvement?

No update yet but I'm working on it. Got the VN's and one small project ahead of it in the queue and then I'll be putting some major effort into this one ^^

Aww yay Thank you :3 just pushed a quick hotfix for the 4_2 PC update so if you're on PC make sure to get 4_2_1 ^^

late reply. I'm sorry x.x but wanted to let you know I'm taking the feedback and did start a bigger more robust guide but needs more work. I know the flowcharts don't give all the info but hopefully in the meantime they'll help a little in certain situations. 

It's on my to do list for sure. I've got a big outline for the game and all the paths started but needs more work and then I'll post it up online somewhere or I guess I could even put it in the game itself. I know the flowcharts don't give all the info but hopefully in the meantime they'll help a little.