I like the (whether intentional or unintentional) correlation between the Galaxias Factions and the factions from Games Workshop's Warhammer 40,000 factions. Most particularly how similar and the 3 we know of are to 3 main factions within Warhammer 40,000.
Adastra - Similar to The Imperium of Man. Prideful and stoic yet regressive in their ways. It's an Empire of fools and reluctant progressives. And rampant in the Xenophobia, seeing any other species below the primary, in this case: Wolves being the Primary. And also editing their history constantly to make them see superior or to erase their shame. They even have the Roman Aesthetic similar, as when the Imperium first started it had a heavy roman aesthetic. Also in the religious factor, seeing the parents as guidance and looking to them as hopeful as possible in the same way the Imperium looks to the Emperor. But that's where the similarities end.
The Jackals: The Tau. Incredibly advanced technology, "acceptance and equality" of all beings and outstanding living conditions. They have an almost artificial type of "Faster than light" travel made on their own, like how the Tau made their own semi-artificial Warp-Drive. Tau have all of the above and what got me even more is how they started war in the first place. Khemians were "uplifting" the Wolve's outer planets that were untouched and that's how they went to war with Adastra. The Tau did something similar, they went to Imperial Border worlds and pretty much did the same, giving better living conditions and colonies, which sparked a war with the Imperium. Once again, that's where the similarities end.
Next is the Cats, not much is known about them but the way that Alexios speaks is more than enough. His mission was to be manipulative and cause chaos and anarchy while maintaining some kind of "Destiny" arc for his species. Cunning, manipulation, lying and indirect destruction of others... The cats are almost like the Eldar. Almost.
That's where most of the similarities end, whether intentional or unintentional, it's awesome either way. And it seems more like there's a correlation between these factions and Frank Herbert's Dune, which is JUST as fascinating and awesome. Especially how Khemia could be presented to us. I'm hoping we'll see SO much more in the Adastra universe, I'm excruciatingly excited and loving every moment. We await patiently. ^w^