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Its a great idea for a game and I'm a big fan of the artwork. The simplicity of the theme really stands out for me and i like the tile map you have used. The explosion effect is great and gives the character a sense of real power!

However, I find the controls a touch unresponsive. Personally, I like nice crisp controls that make me feel in total control of the character and there were moments that I felt like she wasn't responding enough. I think you could maybe decrease the deceleration time for movement so she comes to a stop sooner as there were a couple of moments where i fell off ledges into spikes due to momentum.

Post Jam this could be expanded into a nice little story! Keep up the good work!


Thank you for your constructive feedback! We did do quite a bit of research about how other platformers like Celeste fine tuned their movements, and It is really something we would like to dive into if we have more time.